Batch Options
In the Batch options dialog in the ENAIO ribbon, you can specify options that make it easier to carry out indexing or corrections on scanned or imported pages.
The Batch options dialog is divided into the following areas:

In the Column selection area, you can choose the enaio® capture fields (fixed or indexing fields) to be depicted in the data area. Move the required fields using the arrow buttons to the Selected fields or Unselected fields list.

Enter pre-check and after-check programs in the Path area (your administrator will provide your with more detailed information).
Use the Script editor button to open the VB Editor (your administrator will provide your with more detailed information).

Review mode can be enabled in the Options area. This mode hides pre-indexed values so you have to transfer information directly from the page. When switching to the next record, AXVALID compares pre-existing values to the ones you have entered. In case they do not match, one of the two depicted versions can be chosen. Indexing fields can be minimized in correction mode.
Select Query fixed fields to modify fixed field values uniformly when the program is launched. If you tick the Required field checking box, mandatory fields will have to be indexed. Just like in enaio® client, mandatory fields are underlined. If you enable the Save last position option, the program remembers the last viewed page of a batch for each configuration and validation step. This is possible provided that batch processing was stopped, i.e., the batch wasn't finished or moved to the next subprogram or to the filing tray. When reopening a batch, the last viewed page will be displayed and you can continue with the validation.

Logical expressions concerning visibility can be entered in the Visibility area. Only pages with an indexing corresponding to this logical expression concerning visibility will then be depicted. A logical expression concerning visibility can consist of a field, an operator, and a value for the field. Use the arrow button to add the clause to the right area. There, it cannot be edited anymore, though it can be deleted using the arrow button. Multiple clauses can be combined. Clauses are linked with the logical OR operator.
In the image above the Author field is linked to the IsNull operator. A value is not required. Only pages where the Author field is empty will be shown: This field has not been indexed.

Each field can be assigned to a before and after script in the Field events area. The before script will run when the user place the cursor using the tab key in the respective field; the after script will run as soon as the field is exited using the tab key.
Scripts can be created using the script editor (your administrator will provide your with more detailed information).
The script editor first encrypts and then saves scripts; only scripts encrypted this way will run.

In the Regular Expressions area, a regular expression can be assigned to each indexing field. If the data in a field does not match the regular expression, the field will be flagged. The regular expression is shown as a field tooltip during validation.
This feature does not prevent a batch from being closed.
Entries in the Batch options dialog will be saved specifically for each user, workstation, and configuration.