enaio® capture

Software Documentation for Users

enaio® capture 11.0 »

enaio® capture is a specialized workflow application for enaio® that allows for fast document capture as well as efficient scanning and indexing of information stored on paper. The methods and procedures of the modular application guarantees fast processing of your documents.

What's more, the application integrates with current databases and LAN architectures. Using high-performance scanners, the application allows you to scan huge amounts of information. Barcode recognition and optical character recognition enable automatic indexing of captured information. Users carrying out capture processes are guided through the configured process steps and can validate captured data before it is imported into the archive.

enaio® capture furthermore allows you to integrate individual validation programs. Capture processes can be individually configured. For each receipt type, a process is configured in which the administrator defines an operational sequence and all individual settings. For example, incoming invoices are processed using barcode recognition and accounting forms are automatically indexed using OCR. The administrator's task is to specify the process step order when defining a process configuration and to decide which operations will be run automatically.