Service Release 5

enaio® webclient 11.0 »

Installation of the DMS service 6.3.1. is required for Service Release 5.

Service Release 5 for enaio® webclient contains bug fixes and the following new features:

Discontinuation of the MSI pPackage for the Installation of enaio® webclient as a desktop application

The discontinuation of the MSI package for the installation of enaio® webclient as a desktop application was already announced with Service Release 4.

With Service Release 5, only the NSIS installer enaio-webclient-app.exe is available for installation.

Installation Parameters for enaio-webclient-app.exe
Parameter Function
/S Silent mode

User-specific installation

User-specific installations are installed in the following directory:

C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Local\Programs\enaio webclient

/AllUsers Global installations
/P Optional application parameters

Target directory for global installation

A target directory is required for global installations.

Example: enaio-webclient-app.exe /S /AllUsers /P=--disable-accelerated-2d-canvas /D=C:\enaio\webclient

The target directory for global installations must be specified last.

Profile Distribution

Profile distribution is possible for user-specific installations.

If there is an init-profiles.json configuration file in the enaio-webclient-app.exe directory, the profiles for connecting and logging in are automatically integrated from the configuration file. The configuration file corresponds to the previous configuration file for the MSI package.

Profile allocation is possible with global installations.

Keyboard Controls

The options for using enaio® webclient with keyboard commands have been further expanded:

  • Accessibility: Dialogs for multi-selection of values (e.g., the hit list configuration) can be navigated using the keyboard. Screen readers provide all information.

  • Messages that are displayed to users are displayed longer if users click on them or they can be actively hidden using the X icon in the message.

  • Accessibility: The scaling in the browser can be changed using keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl+-/+ or Ctrl + mouse wheel for scaling and Ctrl+0 for 100 percent. Screen readers provide all information.

  • Accessibility: The header and the menus of the details preview can be navigated using the keyboard. Screen readers provide all information. Check-out information is displayed in the header.