
enaio® 11.0 »

enaio® requires a relational database instance to store and manage index data and documents. We highly recommend providing enaio® with an exclusive database to ensure performance. Access by third-party programs to the data structures and data managed by enaio®, particularly extending the database to include other database objects (tables, views, etc.) and manipulating existing database objects (tables, indexes, etc.) is not permitted.

The system prerequisites for the individual manufacturers must be observed for operation of the relevant database system.

• A database user with the 'db_owner' role is required.
• The same sorting mechanisms must be configured for relational operators and sort operators.
  They are entered in the NLS_SORT/NLS_COMP values for Oracle databases.
  This sorting should generally be configured in binary mode.

The following databases are supported:

DBMS Version ODBC driver

Microsoft SQL Server






(32- and 64-bit)

SQL Server (default driver of the operating system)



SQL Server (default driver of the operating system)



SQL Server (default driver of the operating system)



SQL Server (default driver of the operating system)



SQL Server (default driver of the operating system)

• If you are using Microsoft SQL Server in a Unicode installation, you must use the sort order 'Latin1_General_100_CI_AS_WS' for the database; for an Ansi installation, you must use 'Latin1_General_CI_AS'.

Oracle DB Server


(32- and 64-bit)

19.19 (Oracle) – 32- and 64-bit

• The following registry entry must be added to the DataBase key for Oracle databases with native Oracle ODBC driver:
String: AlternativeODBC / value: 1
• Unicode character sets are not supported for Oracle databases. If Unicode character sets are used, we cannot guarantee proper functionality of the system. For example, the following character sets can be used: WEMSWIN1252 or WE8ISO8859P15.

enaio® requires a high-performance network connection for the database. The database memory should be dimensioned in such a way that all database indexes can be stored there. At least 4 GB of memory and two exclusive processor cores are recommended.

As a general guideline, it takes about 1 GB of memory per one million saved objects in order to have rapid access to the indexes.

The settings for configuration and installation of the respective virtualization software must be observed when virtualizing the database.