enaio® server

enaio® 11.0 »

The installation requires a computer that the server is installed on and that allows database access. The database can either be installed on the same or a different computer. The operating system or the database manufacturer supplies ODBC drivers, which enable communication with the databases. A system DSN is required for two reasons: first to allow database access through a database user with the 'db_owner' role and second to allow database access through the communication configuration between the server and the database computer.

Specify for the server installation whether the database should be set up for Unicode. Changing from ANSI to Unicode is not possible later on.

In enaio®, documents are not filed in a database but in the Work area, which is a separate file system. This data area of documents can be administered on the server computer or on another computer.

We recommend having the application directory separated from the data storage location as the document volume may require large amounts of storage space.

The server installation offers numerous installation possibilities: from a simply structured enaio® system that consists of a database and an application server to an enaio® system with several server groups, including multiple servers. If you have any questions about your system, please contact the OPTIMAL SYSTEMS consulting department.

At any time, it is possible to add further servers and server groups to the enaio® system without any difficulty.

When installing and extending your enaio® system, note that each server group has its own data area, while all servers in one group must have access to the same data area. All servers of all enaio® server groups access one database. Take this into account when performing the enaio® server installation, particularly for information concerning the database.

Servers, core services, and services should not be installed on computers that perform central tasks in the Windows network. Mission-critical services such as domain controllers, e-mail servers, or web servers should run separately from enaio® in order to avoid them interfering with each other in terms of performance and error security.