Event Administration

enaio® 11.0 »

You can set whether and for which users events are executed in enaio® client. In enaio® webclient, events are always executed for all users.

To do so, open the General enaio configuration dialog in enaio® administrator by clicking the Entire system button in the ribbon.

If, on the Events tab, you select the option Enable events in client, events will be executed for all users who are not entered in the user list.

If you disable this option, the events are only executed for the users that are entered in the user list.

The user list can be created by clicking the Add button.

After having modified events, the changes will be updated for other users in enaio® client after enaio® client is restarted.

The query behavior of integrated scripts must be configured with enaio® administrator.

When selecting the Always include objects without register assignment checkbox on the Entire system/Database tab, documents without register assignment, that is, that are not located in a register, are also included in the hit list, whenever register and document data are searched.

This setting will not have any effect as long as the query behavior is specified in the script itself.

For searches in enaio® client, users can configure the query behavior in the 'Query behavior' area of their user-specific personal settings dialog.