Offline Settings
enaio® webclient as a desktop application and enaio® mobile support working in offline mode (see enaio® webclient in Offline Mode). To make objects (folders, registers, documents) available offline, they must first be tagged as favorites and transferred to the local device using the Synchronizing function (see Synchronizing Objects and Making Them Available Offline).
The Synchronize Function
The Synchronizing function is only available if you have set the Make favorites available offline option in the settings dialog in the user menu.

Click or tap on the
User menu icon in the main menu or your avatar image.
The user menu now opens.
Click or tap on the
Settings icon in the user menu.
The settings dialog now opens.
Go to the Offline tab and click or tap on the
Arrow icon next to the Offline availability of objects entry.
The Offline tab is only available in enaio® webclient as a desktop application and in enaio® mobile; however, it is not available in enaio® webclient.
The menu containing the Make favorites available offline Synchronize function opens.
Use the slider to set the required status:
Drag the slider to the right.
The Synchronize function is enabled.
Synchronizing function is shown in the header area of the favorites area.
Synchronization column is shown in the favorites list in the favorites area.
The following applies if you are using enaio® mobile on a smartphone:
Synchronization column is not displayed on smartphones. Synchronization information is displayed in the list of synchronized objects below the entries.
When you restart enaio® webclient as a desktop application or enaio® mobile, synchronization is carried out automatically after 30 seconds.
In the favorites area, the time of the last synchronization is shown in the favorites list footer.
More actions function is shown in the
Synchronization overview menu in the favorites area.
More actions function is shown in the
Review synchronization problems menu in the favorites area if there are synchronization errors.
Drag the slider to the left.
The Synchronize function is disabled.
Synchronizing function is hidden in the header area of the favorites area.
Synchronization column is hidden in the favorites list in the favorites area.
When you restart enaio® webclient as a desktop application or enaio® mobile, synchronization is no longer carried out automatically.
In the favorites area, the time of the last synchronization is hidden in the favorites list footer.
More actions function is no longer shown in the
Synchronization overview menu.
More actions function is no longer shown in the
Review synchronization problems menu.
Click or tap on the Apply button to apply all changes made in the settings and close the settings dialog. Restart the client, if necessary.
Using Mobile Data Connections
As a general rule, synchronization is only carried out if a Wi-Fi connection exists. If you also want to use mobile data connections for synchronization, you must enable the Use mobile data for synchronization switch in the settings dialog in the user menu.

Click or tap on the
User menu icon in the main menu or your avatar image.
The user menu now opens.
Click or tap on the
Settings icon in the user menu.
The settings dialog now opens.
Go to the Offline tab and click or tap on the
Arrow icon next to the Offline availability of objects entry.
The Offline tab is only available in enaio® webclient as a desktop application and in enaio® mobile; however, it is not available in enaio® webclient.
The menu containing the Use mobile data for synchronization data connection function will open.
Use the slider to set the required status.
Drag the slider to the right.
Mobile data connections are also used for synchronization.
Drag the slider to the left.
Only Wi-Fi connections are used for synchronization.
Click or tap on the Apply button to apply all changes made in the settings and close the settings dialog. Restart the client, if necessary.
Settings for enabling and disabling the synchronization feature and for using mobile data connections are synchronized between enaio® webclient, desktop application of enaio® webclient, and enaio® mobile. That means, for example, settings changes made in enaio® webclient are applied the next time enaio® mobile is launched and vice versa.