Offline Settings

enaio® webclient as a desktop application enaio® mobile 10.10 »

enaio® webclient as a desktop application and enaio® mobile support working in offline mode (see enaio® webclient in Offline Mode). To make objects (folders, registers, documents) available offline, they must first be tagged as favorites and transferred to the local device using the Synchronization icon Synchronizing function (see Synchronizing Objects and Making Them Available Offline).

The Synchronize Function

The Synchronization icon Synchronizing function is only available if you have set the Make favorites available offline option in the settings dialog in the user menu.

Using Mobile Data Connections

As a general rule, synchronization is only carried out if a Wi-Fi connection exists. If you also want to use mobile data connections for synchronization, you must enable the Use mobile data for synchronization switch in the settings dialog in the user menu.

Settings for enabling and disabling the synchronization feature and for using mobile data connections are synchronized between enaio® webclient, desktop application of enaio® webclient, and enaio® mobile. That means, for example, settings changes made in enaio® webclient are applied the next time enaio® mobile is launched and vice versa.