User Settings

enaio® coLab 10.10 »

For each project room there are user settings in which you can receive information about the project or change certain project settings, depending on your member role. You can access the settings view of the respective project room when you are in the corresponding project and then click the Settings icon Settings icon in the header. The settings view is divided into the following areas:

  • General

    The project name, the project description, the root object, and the upload document type are shown in the General area. You also have the option of showing or hiding the message and task area on the project’s home screen and the tasks view. Here project rooms owners and project members with a corresponding user-defined role can change the project name that is shown on the project overview page and in the coLab header. Project room owners and project members with a corresponding user-defined role can also modify the project description here. You can find detailed documentation for the area in The General Settings Area.

  • Members

    A list of project members and project invitations is shown in the Members area. The list also tells you who is/are the project room owner(s). Here project room owners and project members with a corresponding user-defined role can also manage the role assignment of their project members and invite new participants.

    You can find detailed documentation for the area in The Members Settings Area.

  • E-Mails

    Your e-mail address stored in enaio® coLab is shown in the E-mails area. The e-mail address is automatically populated using the information from the accounts on which the registration is based. It cannot be changed.

    You use this e-mail address to receive notifications when new tasks are created, for example. You have the option of de/activating the receipt of e-mail notifications for assigned coLab tasks in the E-mails area. This setting is project-related, like the other user settings. This means that it only applies to e-mail notifications of task assignments from the project in which the setting was made.

    No e-mail address is stored in enaio® coLab when registering via social media accounts such as Google, LinkedIn, and Microsoft. For this reason, notifications such as those regarding assigned tasks are not possible.

  • Advanced

    The query depth of the corresponding project is shown in the Advanced area. Here project room owners and project members with a corresponding user-defined role can change the query depth or delete the project room in which they are currently located. This area also offers project room owners and project members with a corresponding user-defined role the option of downloading project room content as a PDF.

    You can find detailed documentation for the area in The Advanced Settings Area.

If the features described above are not available to you, then it may be because you have been assigned a user-defined role that does not contain the corresponding rights. Contact a coLab administrator or the project room owner if you have any questions or if you need these rights.