Collaborate on Editing Documents with enaio® office-365-dashlet
If your enaio® system is configured accordingly, you can edit documents in the cloud and share them with others to edit using enaio® office-365-dashlet. You need to set up the access restrictions differently when using enaio® to edit documents to enable it for users of enaio® office-365-dashlet:
If a user of enaio® opens a document file for editing via enaio® office-365-dashlet, the document file is only checked out when the user makes the first set of changes to the document file in the Microsoft Office 365 cloud. Only then is it possible for other users to open and edit the document file in a different application. In this case, the editor in Office 365 will receive a message indicating that changes that were made to the document file in the cloud could not be saved in enaio®.
Documents checked out using Microsoft Office 365 are not flagged with a status icon in hit lists, at the filing location, or in inboxes, etc.
Document files that have been checked out using Microsoft Office 365 can be shared with other enaio® users in the cloud for editing.
enaio® client provides support for editing Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files using Microsoft Office 365. Older Microsoft file formats (*.doc, *.xls, *.ppt, etc.) must be converted to the newer Microsoft file formats (*.docx, *.xlsx, *.pptx, etc.) before they can be edited.

You need to have an Microsoft Office 365 account, including your login credentials. The relevant object types must be configured in your enaio® system to enable collaboration with Microsoft Office 365.
Open enaio® office-365-dashlet by clicking the corresponding button in the VIEW > Areas ribbon tab.
Select a Microsoft Office document whose content you want to edit using Microsoft Office 365 (such as in a hit list, in the inbox, or at a filing location).
The following may be shown in the Office 365 tab depending on the file type of the selected document:
For Microsoft Office 365 documents
A preview of the Microsoft Office 365 document's content
For older Microsoft Office documents
The File conversion dialog that prompts you to convert the older Microsoft Office document (*.doc, *.xls, *.ppt) to the new Microsoft Office file format (*.docx, *.xlsx, *.pptx).
To do so, click the Convert button in the dialog if you want to edit the document using Microsoft Office 365.
The file format will be converted and inserted as a new variant in enaio® (seeVariants of W-Documents).
A preview of the Microsoft Office 365 document's content will be shown in the Office 365 tab.
For documents that are not Microsoft Office documents
No preview of the document's content. You have the option of creating a new document via the Actions tab in enaio® office-365-dashlet. However, the new document will delete the previous content of the document. You can find a description in Microsoft Office 365 on how to create a new Capturing Documents Using enaio® office-365-dashlet document.
Open the document for editing in enaio® office-365-dashlet.
Follow these steps for Microsoft Word documents:
Click the
Edit icon in the header of the dashlet.
You have several options for opening the document when it comes to Microsoft Excel files:
Click the
Viewing icon in the header of the dashlet and then the
Edit icon in the dropdown menu that appears.
You can double-click in the Excel spreadsheet and then click the Edit workbook button in the error message that appears.
You also have several options for opening the document when it comes to Microsoft PowerPoint files:
Click the
Edit in browser icon in the header of the dashlet.
Click the
Comments icon in the header of the dashlet and then the
Add comments icon in the dropdown menu that appears.
Click the
Editing view icon in the footer of the dashlet.
The Login dialog for Microsoft Office 365 opens in the dashlet.
If you are already logged in to Microsoft Office 365, then the following steps are not necessary for logging in and the document will then be shown directly in the dashlet for editing.
Log in to Microsoft Office 365 and enter your Microsoft Office 365 login credentials.
Once you have logged in successfully, the correct application (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) for the selected file format will be shown in the dashlet.
Edit the document in the dashlet.
You can undock the dashlet from enaio® client and move it to its own monitor to improve the editing experience of the document (see Position of Workspace Elements).
The document will be checked out of enaio®.
The object ID and the save status of the document will be shown in the header of the application. Changes will be automatically temporarily saved and sent to enaio®.
You can stop editing the document by clicking a different entry in the object list in the folder, for example, in the enaio® client workspace.
Alternatively, you can also exit enaio® office-365-dashlet by clicking the
Close icon in the dashlet.
This action will close the dashlet and the edited document will be saved and filed in enaio®.
Other enaio® users who want to edit the same document open this document in the same manner as the first user and in the same manner as described in the step-by-step guide on this page. The other enaio® editor will be shown in the Microsoft Office 365 document to be edited based on the properties of Microsoft. Consult the respective Microsoft Office 365 guides for more information on it and how to share documents for editing.
When the last enaio® user has finished editing the shared document and exited it, the changes are saved and the document is checked back in to enaio®.
If you have edited the content of an object, the edits you have made will be automatically stored in the object history as an event (see History of Documents). If several enaio® users have edited the content of an object using Microsoft Office 365, the edits that each individual user has made will be stored in the object history as events.
The dashlet will offer you different Microsoft functions, depending on whether you have selected a Word, Excel, or PowerPoint file. You will find a brief description in enaio® office-365-dashlet.