Service Release 2 / Hotfixes 1 – 24

enaio® webclient 10.10 SR 2 Hotfix 24 (10.10.224) dated February 2, 2025 »

The hotfixes 1 – 12/14/15/16/18/19/20/21/22/23/24 for Service Release 2 for enaio® webclient are bug fixing service releases.

Hotfix 18

Hotfix 18 for enaio® webclient is a hotfix for bug fixing.

Only the NSIS installer enaio-webclient-app.exe is available for the administrative installation of enaio® webclient as a desktop application.

Hotfix 17

In addition to bug fixes, Hotfix 17 contains the following new features:

Discontinuation of the MSI pPackage for the Installation of enaio® webclient as a desktop application

An MSI package is provided for the administrative installation of enaio® webclient as a desktop application for the last time.

With Service Release 2 Hotfix 17, the NSIS installer enaio-webclient-app.exe is available for administrative installation.

If configured accordingly, an NSIS installer is already available for users to download for installation and updating.

The NSIS installer enaio-webclient-app.exe is located among the installation data in the directory \Frontend\Webclient-Desktop-App\.

Installation parameters for enaio-webclient-app.exe
Parameter Function
/S Silent Mode

User-specific Installation

User-specific installations are installed in the following directory:

C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Programs\enaio webclient

/AllUsers Global installations
/P Optional application parameters

Target directory for global installation

A target directory is required for global installations.

Example: enaio-webclient-app.exe /S /AllUsers /P=--disable-accelerated-2d-canvas /D=C:\enaio\webclient

The target directory for global installations must be specified last.

Profile Distribution

Profile distribution is possible for user-specific installations.

If there is an init-profiles.json configuration file in the enaio-webclient-app.exe directory, the profiles for connecting and logging in are automatically integrated from the configuration file. The configuration file corresponds to the previous configuration file for the MSI package.

Profile distribution is not possible for global installations.

Hotfixes 14/15/16

The hotfixes 14/15/16 for enaio® webclient are hotfixes for bug fixing.

Hotfix 13

In addition to bug fixes, Hotfix 13 contains the following new features:

OAuth2 Authentication

Users of enaio® webclient, enaio® webclient as a desktop application and enaio® mobile can send links and content via a connected SMTP server with global OAuth2 authentication and Office365 (Azure).

The configuration file osweb-prod.yml has been extended to include configuration parameters.

For updates, the parameters featureSwitches.sendEmail.oAuthClientId, featureSwitches.sendEmail.oAuthClientSecret and featureSwitches.sendEmail.oAuthTenantId must be added manually in the configuration file osweb-prod.yml. Without OAuth2 authentication, these parameters are not necessary.

Service Release 2

Service Release 2 for enaio® webclient contains bug fixes and the following new features:

Card View – Multi-selection

Users can now select multiple options in the card view in enaio® webclient and in enaio® webclient as a desktop application. To select multiple objects, use the left mouse button while holding down Ctrl or Shift. Holding the Ctrl key allows you to select several lines that are not immediately next to each other. Holding the Shift key will select all the rows between the first and last selections. The selected objects will be highlighted afterwards.

Card View – Basic Filter

A filter is now available in the card view in enaio® webclient and in enaio® webclient as a desktop application. Entering characters will reduce the number of cards accordingly. All visible values on the cards are taken into account when filtering.

Card View – Checking Documents In and Out

Documents that have been checked out are now flagged in the information line of the card view ('Checked out by me'/'Checked out by others') in enaio® webclient and in enaio® webclient as a desktop application.

Card View – History

As of Service Release 2, the history view can now be displayed in the card view in enaio® webclient and in enaio® webclient as a desktop application as well. The cards in the history view show information about the last action and the date of the action.

Card View – Full-text Search

As of Service Release 2, the new card view is available to users in the full-text search result in enaio® webclient and in enaio® webclient as a desktop application as well. It displays the object type as the title, a text passage with the search term found in it, the quality and, if applicable, the file type.

Card View – Default Actions

As of Service Release 2, the default action configured by the administrator is now also displayed in the card view of hit lists in enaio® webclient and in enaio® webclient as a desktop application when the user moves their mouse over a card. If the default action is displayed, then the user can also select and start it by clicking it.

The card view introduced with enaio® version 10.10 SR 1 in enaio® webclient and in enaio® webclient as a desktop application does not support double-clicking.

Multilingual Names for My searches

Localized labels can be used in the My searches area to improve internationalization in enaio® webclient and in enaio® webclient as a desktop application as of Service Release 2. The corresponding language resources must have been entered via enaio® client to do this. The localized names are then used when displaying saved searches or in the quick search.

Multilingual Names for Desktop Objects

Internationalization in enaio® webclient and enaio® webclient as a desktop application has also been improved in that localized labels can be used when displaying objects on both the private and public desktop as of Service Release 2. The corresponding language resources must have been entered via enaio® client to do this.

Administration – Card View

The card view was introduced and set as the default option in Service Release 1. The default settings can now be changed using the hitList.layoutType parameter of the osweb-prod.yml configuration file.

This default setting will apply for all users who have not yet changed the view in the settings.

Dashlets for enaio® webclient

The following URL parameters can be specified to add dashlets in enaio® webclient:

  • {username} – Name of the current user.

  • {objectident} – The ID of the object that the user selected last (also in case of multi-selection).

  • {objectdeflanguage} – The language of the object definition selected by the user.

  • {guilanguage} – The language of the user interface selected by the user.

  • {sessionguid} – The current session GUID of the user.


The 'Assign work item' function may only be carried out by a process owner. Users require the system role Client: Workflow process administration (ID 62) or WF-Admin: Start (ID 20).

BeforeDelete/AfterDelete Events

The 'BeforeDelete' and 'AfterDelete' events can now also be added for enaio® webclient.

Scripting: 'formHelper.showEditContentDialog'

For content editing, the 'formHelper.showEditContentDialog' method either behaves in same way as the 'Edit content' function in enaio® webclient or the modal dialog for exchanging files is always opened (default).