Report Configuration XML
StatisticReportConfiguration Tag
Each report configuration is enclosed in a StatisticReportConfiguration tag. This has the following attributes:
ID |
Report identifier |
Name |
Report name |
Type |
Type of report (process overview = 0, process details = 1) |
OrganizationID |
Identifier for the organization to which the report applies |
CreatorID |
Identifier of the creator of the configuration |
CreatorName |
Name of the creator of the configuration |
CreationTime |
Time when the configuration was created (time stamp) |
Version |
Main version of the report (550, for example) |
SubVersion |
Subversion of the report (1, for example) |
MinProcessVersion |
Main version that had to be running at least at the time a process was created for the process to be included in the statistics. 550, for example |
MinProcessSubVersion |
Subversion that had to be running at least at the time a process was created for the process to be included in the statistics. 0, for example |
Report Configuration for the Process Overview
Rows Tag, DrillDownType Tag, FamilyIDs, and FamilyID Tag
The Rows tag is contained in the StatisticReportConfiguration tag and does not have attributes. It contains the tags DrillDownType and FamilyIDs.
The DrillDownType tag can contain the following values:
0 |
Generates an overview, with no resolution by families and activities. |
1 |
Generates an overview, with itemized list by family. |
2 |
Generates an overview, with itemized list by family and activity. |
FamilyIDs group FamilyID tags; they contain the identifiers of families whose processes are to flow into reports created with this configuration. If FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF (32 Fs) is used as the FamilyID, it means that all families of the organization should be used.
Columns Tag
The Columns tag is contained in the StatisticReportConfiguration tag and does not have attributes. The tags listed below, each containing an attribute named Active that enables (Active = 1) or disables (Active = 0) the corresponding option, appear within the Columns tag. The following options for the reports are listed as tags within the Columns tag:
NumberOfProcesses |
Total number of processes |
NumberOfActivities |
Total number of activities |
NumberOfActivitiesUnfinished |
Number of unfinished activities |
NumberOfActivitiesFinished |
Number of finished activities |
NumberOfActivitiesPersonalized |
Number of personalized activities |
NumberOfProcessesError |
Number of corrupt processes |
NumberOfActivitiesError |
Number of corrupt activities |
NumberOfProcessesPause |
Number of suspended processes |
NumberOfActivitiesPause |
Number of suspended activities |
MinProcessRunTime |
Minimum process runtime |
MeanProcessRunTime |
Mean process runtime |
MaxProcessRunTime |
Maximum process runtime |
MinActivityRunTime |
Minimum activity runtime |
MeanActivityRunTime |
Mean activity runtime |
MaxActivityRunTime |
Maximum activity runtime |
MinActivityRunTimeFinished |
Minimum runtime of finished activities |
MeanActivityRunTimeFinished |
Mean runtime of finished activities |
MaxActivityRunTimeFinished |
Maximum runtime of finished activities |
MinActivityRunTimeUnfinished |
Minimum runtime of unfinished activities |
MeanActivityRunTimeUnfinished |
Mean runtime of unfinished activities |
MaxActivityRunTimeUnfinished |
Maximum runtime of unfinished activities |
MinActivityRunTimePersonalized |
Minimum runtime of personalized activities |
MeanActivityRunTimePersonalized |
Mean runtime of personalized activities |
MaxActivityRunTimePersonalized |
Maximum runtime of personalized activities |
NumberOfEscalationsProcess |
Total number of escalations (expired deadlines) |
NumberOfEscalationsActivity |
Total number of escalations (expired deadlines) of activities |
NumberOfEscalationsActivityUnfinished |
Number of escalations (expired deadlines) of unfinished activities |
NumberOfEscalationsActivityFinished |
Number of escalations (expired deadlines) of finished activities |
NumberOfEscalationsActivityPersonalized |
Number of escalations (expired deadlines) of personalized activities |
Process Detail Report Configuration
Rows tag, DrillDownType tag, FamilyIDs, and FamilyID tag
The Rows tag is contained in the StatisticReportConfiguration tag and does not have attributes. It contains the tags DrillDownType and FamilyIDs.
The DrillDownType tag can contain the following values:
0 |
Only entries for processes are created; there is no listing of individual activities. |
1 |
Entries for processes and activities are created. |
FamilyIDs group FamilyID tags; they contain the identifiers of families whose processes are to flow into reports created with this configuration. If FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF (32 Fs) is used as the FamilyID, it means that all families of the organization should be used.
Columns Tag
The Columns tag is contained in the StatisticReportConfiguration tag and does not have attributes. The tags listed below, each containing an attribute named Active that enables (Active = 1) or disables (Active = 0) the corresponding option, appear within the Columns tag. The following options for the reports are listed as tags within the Columns tag:
Process data:
ProcessID |
Process identifier |
ProcessName |
Process name |
ProcessSubject |
Process subject |
FamilyID |
Family identifier |
FamilyName |
Name of the family |
ModelID |
Model identifier |
ModelName |
Name of the model |
ProcessStartTime |
Start time of the process |
ProcessRunTime |
Runtime of the process |
ProcessState |
Process status |
NumberOfActivities |
Total number of activities |
NumberOfActivitiesUnfinished |
Number of unfinished activities |
NumberOfActivitiesFinished |
Number of finished activities |
NumberOfActivitiesPersonalized |
Number of personalized activities |
NumberOfActivitiesError |
Number of corrupt activities |
NumberOfActivitiesPause |
Number of suspended activities |
NumberOfEscalationsProcess |
Number of escalations (expired deadlines) in the process |
NumberOfEscalationsActivity |
Total number of escalations (expired deadlines) of activities |
NumberOfEscalationsActivityUnfinished |
Number of escalations (expired deadlines) of unfinished activities |
NumberOfEscalationsActivityFinished |
Number of escalations (expired deadlines) of finished activities |
NumberOfEscalationsActivityPersonalized |
Number of escalations (expired deadlines) of personalized activities |
Activity data (for DrillDownType = 1)
ActivityID |
Activity identifier |
ModActivityID |
Activity identifier in the model |
ActivityName |
Name of the activity |
ActivityStartTime |
Start time of the activity |
ActivityRunTime |
Activity runtime |
ActivityState |
Activity status |
NumberOfEscalationsActivity (the same day as the process data) |
Number of escalations (expired deadlines) in the activity |
ProcessDatafields Tag, ProcessDatafield Tag
The ProcessDatafields tag is located in the Columns tag and does not have attributes. It can contain multiple ProcessDatafield tags that identify global process variables whose values are output in the report. The ProcessDatafield tag has the following attributes:
ID |
Identifier of the process variables |
FamilyID |
Identifier of the family for which the process variable should be output in the report |
Name |
Display name for the process variable in the specific family |
Report XML
The reports are prepared for display for the user in HTML format with some graphic elements. It is also possible to save the generated reports in XML format to be able to analyze the corresponding statistical data in greater detail. This XML format is documented below.
SR Tag (StatisticReport)
Each report is enclosed in a SR tag. It always contains exactly one StatisticReportConfiguration tag, which describes the underlying configuration (see above) and exactly one D tag, which contains the determined statistical data (see below). The SR tag has the following attributes:
ID |
Report identifier |
N (Name) |
Report name |
CrT (CreationTime) |
Time stamp when the report was created |
CrY (CreationYear) |
Year when the report was created |
CrM (CreationMonth) |
Month when the report was created |
CrD (CreationDay) |
Day when the report was created |
CrH (CreationHour) |
Hour when the report was created |
CrU (CreationMinute) |
Minute when the report was created |
CrS (CreationSecond) |
Second when the report was created |
CrI (CreatorId) |
Identifier of the report creator |
CrN (CreatorName) |
Name of the report creator |
Process Overview Report
D Tag (Data)
The D tag is located in the SR tag and does not contain attributes. It always contains an OD Tag and, depending on the "DrillDownType" of the report configuration, an AD and/or FD Tag, as well.
OD Tag (OverviewData), FIs Tag (FamilyIDs), FI Tag (Family ID)
The OD tag is located in the D tag and provides a summary of the information on the running processes. In addition, it contains FI tags (grouped by FIs tag) the identifiers of all families whose processes are being considered in the report. The OD tag has the following attributes (if the respective options are enabled in the report configuration):
NP (NumberOfProcesses) |
Total number of running processes |
NPS (NumberOfProcessesPause) |
Number of suspended processes |
NPE (NumberOfProcessError) |
Number of corrupt processes |
sP (EscalationsProcesses) |
Total number of escalations (expired deadlines) of all processes |
iPR (MinimumProcessRuntime) |
Minimum process runtime |
ePR (MeanProcessRunTime) |
Mean process runtime |
aPR (MaximumProcessRunTime) |
Maximum process runtime |
NA (NumberOfActivities) |
Total number of all activities of running processes |
NAF (NumberOfActivitiesFinished) |
Number of finished activities |
NAE (NumberOfActivitiesError) |
Number of corrupt activities |
NAS (NumberOfActivitiesPause) |
Number of suspended activities |
NAU (NumberOfActivitiesUnfinished) |
Number of unfinished activities |
NAP (NumberOfActivitiesPersonalized) |
Number of personalized activities |
sA (EscalationsActivities) |
Total number of escalations (expired deadlines) of all activities |
sF (EscalationsActivitiesFinished) |
Total number of escalations (expired deadlines) of finished activities |
sU (EscalationsActivitiesUnfinished) |
Total number of escalations (expired deadlines) of unfinished activities |
sAP (EscalationsActivitiesPersonalized) |
Total number of escalations (expired deadlines) of personalized activities |
iAR (MinActivityRunTime) |
Minimum activity runtime |
iAF (MinActivityFinishedRunTime) |
Minimum runtime of finished activities |
iAU (MinActivityUnfinishedRunTime) |
Minimum runtime of unfinished activities |
iAP (MinActivityPersonalizedRunTime) |
Minimum runtime of personalized activities |
eAR (MeanActivityRunTime) |
Mean activity runtime |
eAF (MeanActivityFinishedRunTime) |
Mean runtime of finished activities |
eAU (MeanActivityUnfinishedRunTime) |
Mean runtime of unfinished activities |
eAP (MeanActivityPersonalizedRunTime) |
Mean runtime of personalized activities |
aAR (MaxActivityRunTime) |
Maximum activity runtime |
aAF (MaxActivityFinishedRunTime) |
Maximum runtime of finished activities |
aAU (MaxActivityUnfinishedRunTime) |
Maximum runtime of unfinished activities |
aAP (MaxActivityPersonalizedRunTime) |
Maximum runtime of personalized activities |
FD Tag (FamilyData), FE Tag (FamilyDataEntry)
The FD tag is located in the D tag, groups all FE tags, and does not contain attributes. The FD tag exists only if this is accordingly specified in the configuration via the "DrillDown" type. The FE tag provides information regarding a process family and has the following attributes (if the respective options are enabled in the report configuration):
FI (FamilyID) |
Family identifier |
FN (FamilyName) |
Name of the family |
NP (NumberOfProcesses) |
Total number of running processes |
NPS (NumberOfProcessesPause) |
Number of suspended processes |
NPE (NumberOfProcessError) |
Number of corrupt processes |
sP (EscalationsProcesses) |
Total number of escalations (expired deadlines) of all processes |
iPR (MinimumProcessRuntime) |
Minimum process runtime |
ePR (MeanProcessRunTime) |
Mean process runtime |
aPR (MaximumProcessRunTime) |
Maximum process runtime |
NA (NumberOfActivities) |
Total number of all activities of running processes |
NAF (NumberOfActivitiesFinished) |
Number of finished activities |
NAE (NumberOfActivitiesError) |
Number of corrupt activities |
NAS (NumberOfActivitiesPause) |
Number of suspended activities |
NAU (NumberOfActivitiesUnfinished) |
Number of unfinished activities |
NAP (NumberOfActivitiesPersonalized) |
Number of personalized activities |
sA (EscalationsActivities) |
Total number of escalations (expired deadlines) of all activities |
sF (EscalationsActivitiesFinished) |
Total number of escalations (expired deadlines) of finished activities |
sU (EscalationsActivitiesUnfinished) |
Total number of escalations (expired deadlines) of unfinished activities |
sAP (EscalationsActivitiesPersonalized) |
Total number of escalations (expired deadlines) of personalized activities |
iAR (MinActivityRunTime) |
Minimum activity runtime |
iAF (MinActivityFinishedRunTime) |
Minimum runtime of finished activities |
iAU (MinActivityUnfinishedRunTime) |
Minimum runtime of unfinished activities |
iAP (MinActivityPersonalizedRunTime) |
Minimum runtime of personalized activities |
eAR (MeanActivityRunTime) |
Mean activity runtime |
eAF (MeanActivityFinishedRunTime) |
Mean runtime of finished activities |
eAU (MeanActivityUnfinishedRunTime) |
Mean runtime of unfinished activities |
eAP (MeanActivityPersonalizedRunTime) |
Mean runtime of personalized activities |
aAR (MaxActivityRunTime) |
Maximum activity runtime |
aAF (MaxActivityFinishedRunTime) |
Maximum runtime of finished activities |
aAU (MaxActivityUnfinishedRunTime) |
Maximum runtime of unfinished activities |
aAP (MaxActivityPersonalizedRunTime) |
Maximum runtime of personalized activities |
AD Tag (ActivityData), AE Tag (ActivityDataEntry)
The AD tag is located in the D tag, groups all AE tags, and does not contain attributes. The AD tag only exists if this is defined in the configuration via the "DrillDown" type. The AE tag provides information regarding an activity and has the following attributes (if the respective options are activated in the report configuration):
FI (FamilyID) |
Family identifier |
FN (FamilyName) |
Name of the family |
AI (ActivityID) |
Activity identifier in the model |
AN (ActivityName) |
Name of the activity |
NA (NumberOfActivities) |
Total number of all activities of running processes |
NAF (NumberOfActivitiesFinished) |
Number of finished activities |
NAE (NumberOfActivitiesError) |
Number of corrupt activities |
NAS (NumberOfActivitiesPause) |
Number of suspended activities |
NAU (NumberOfActivitiesUnfinished) |
Number of unfinished activities |
NAP (NumberOfActivitiesPersonalized) |
Number of personalized activities |
sA (EscalationsActivities) |
Total number of escalations (expired deadlines) of all activities |
sF (EscalationsActivitiesFinished) |
Total number of escalations (expired deadlines) of finished activities |
sU (EscalationsActivitiesUnfinished) |
Total number of escalations (expired deadlines) of unfinished activities |
sAP (EscalationsActivitiesPersonalized) |
Total number of escalations (expired deadlines) of personalized activities |
iAR (MinActivityRunTime) |
Minimum activity runtime |
iAF (MinActivityFinishedRunTime) |
Minimum runtime of finished activities |
iAU (MinActivityUnfinishedRunTime) |
Minimum runtime of unfinished activities |
iAP (MinActivityPersonalizedRunTime) |
Minimum runtime of personalized activities |
eAR (MeanActivityRunTime) |
Mean activity runtime |
eAF (MeanActivityFinishedRunTime) |
Mean runtime of finished activities |
eAU (MeanActivityUnfinishedRunTime) |
Mean runtime of unfinished activities |
eAP (MeanActivityPersonalizedRunTime) |
Mean runtime of personalized activities |
aAR (MaxActivityRunTime) |
Maximum activity runtime |
aAF (MaxActivityFinishedRunTime) |
Maximum runtime of finished activities |
aAU (MaxActivityUnfinishedRunTime) |
Maximum runtime of unfinished activities |
aAP (MaxActivityPersonalizedRunTime) |
Maximum runtime of personalized activities |
Process Detail Report
D Tag (Data) in the SR Tag (SR/D)
The D tag is located in the SR tag and does not contain attributes. It always contains one Ds tag and one P tag. It can also contain one AD tag depending on the report configuration.
Ds Tag (DataFields) in the D Tag (SR/D/DS)
The D tag groups D tags and does not contain attributes. A D tag in the Ds tag assigns names to identifiers of process variables that can appear in the report to be used for display. A D tag in the Ds tag has the following attributes:
FI (FamilyID) |
Identifier of the family in which the name is to be used |
ID |
Identifier of the process variable |
N (Name) |
Display name of the process variable |
P Tag (ProcessData), E Tag (ProcessEntry) (SR/D/P/E)
The P tag is located in the SR tag and does not contain attributes. It contains one E tag for each running process. E tags can contain Ds tags and have the following attributes (if the respective options are enabled in the report configuration):
ID |
Process identifier |
N (Name) |
Process name |
S (Subject) |
Process subject |
FI (FamilyID) |
Family identifier |
FN (FamilyName) |
Name of the family |
MI (ModelID) |
Model identifier |
MN (ModelName) |
Name of the model |
C (CreationTime) |
Time stamp when the process was created |
CY (CreationYear) |
Year when the process was created |
CM (CreationMonth) |
Month when the process was created |
CD (CreationDay) |
Day when the process was created |
CH (CreationHour) |
Hour when the process was created |
CU (CreationMinute) |
Minute when the process was created |
CS (CreationSecond) |
Second when the process was created |
R (RunTime) |
Runtime of the process |
St (State) |
Process status: 0x00 unknown 0x01 initialized 0x02 running 0x04 suspended 0x08 active 0x10 canceled 0x20 completed 0x40 failed, suspended by system |
NA (NumberOfActivities) |
Total number of all activities of the process |
NAF (NumberOfActivitiesFinished) |
Number of finished activities |
NAU (NumberOfActivitiesUnfinished) |
Number of unfinished activities |
NAP (NumberOfActivitiesPersonalized) |
Number of personalized activities |
NAS (NumberOfActivitiesPaused) |
Number of suspended activities |
NAE (NumberOfActivitiesError) |
Number of corrupt activities |
sP (EscalationsProcess) |
Total number of escalations (expired deadlines) of the process |
sA (EscalationsActivity) |
Total number of escalations (expired deadlines) of all activities of the process |
sU (EscalationsActivitiesUnfinished) |
Total number of escalations (expired deadlines) of unfinished activities |
sF (EscalationsActivitiesFinished) |
Total number of escalations (expired deadlines) of finished activities |
sAP (EscalationsActivitiesPersonalized) |
Total number of escalations (expired deadlines) of personalized activities |
Ds Tag (DataFields) in the P Tag (SR/D/P/Ds/D)
The D tag groups D tags and does not contain attributes. A D tag contains the values of the process variables and has the following attribute
ID |
Identifier of the process variable |
Depending on the type of process variable, the D tag has an additional tag that in turn contains the value of the process variables. The following tags are allowed within the D tag:
S (String) |
For strings |
B (Boolean) |
For logical values |
L (Long) |
For integers |
F (Float) |
For floating point values |
D (Date) |
For dates |
AD Tag (ActivityDate), AE Tag (ActivityDataEntry) (SR/D/AD/AE)
The AD tag is located in the D tag, groups all AE tags, and does not contain attributes. The AD tag only exists if this is defined in the configuration via the "DrillDown" type. The AE tag provides information regarding a process activity and has the following attributes (if the respective options are activated in the report configuration):
ID (ProcessID) |
Process identifier |
AI (ActivityID) |
Activity identifier |
MA (ModelActivityId) |
Activity identifier in the model |
AN (ActivityName) |
Name of the activity |
T (StartTime) |
Start time (time stamp) |
TY (StartYear) |
Year of the start time |
TM (StartMonth) |
Month of the start time |
TD (StartDay) |
Day of the start time |
TH (StartHour) |
Hour of the start time |
TU (StartMinute) |
Minute of the start time |
TS (StartSecond) |
Second of the start time |
R (RunTime) |
Runtime |
S (State) |
Status: 0x00000000 unknown 0x00000001 created 0x00000002 started 0x00000004 StartActivityEvent executed 0x00000008 EndActivityEvent executed 0x00000010 Loop condition checked 0x00000020 Execute loop condition 0x00000040 Work item created 0x00000080 Work item personalized 0x00000100 Waiting for retention period 0x00000200 Waiting for subflow 0x00000400 executed 0x00000800 forwarded 0x00001000 completed 0x00002000 suspended 0x00004000 completed 0x10000000 failed |
E (NumberOfEscalations) |
Number of escalations (expired deadlines) |