Editing Object Types

enaio® editor 10.10 »

You edit the properties of cabinets, registers, and document types via the properties window which you open by double-clicking the archive object in the workspace.

In the properties window, the properties are displayed for the object which is selected in the workspace. The editable properties have a white background.

If you edit properties they will be shown with an '*' in the title bar, the form, and the properties window until the changes have been applied. An '!' is added to the workspace when changes are made that require modifications to tables.

The editable folder, register, and document type properties can be edited without having to update the database.

For example, if you change a document type with pages to a document type without pages, users can no longer display the existing pages.

Deleting Object Types

Cabinets, register, and document types are deleted via the workspace. You will find Delete object type in the context menu of the register or document type and Delete cabinet in the context menu of a cabinet. You will be prompted to confirm the action.

You can also use the Del key to remove the selected object type or cabinet.

Before deleting object types for which data has already been collected, carry out the automatic action 'Delete objects' using the 'Permanently delete' option.

Save the object definition afterwards. If you have not yet saved the object definition, the object will be marked with a red 'x' in the workspace. Via the context menu you can undo the deletion.

If data has already been captured for an object type, you will be prompted to confirm the action and can specify whether the associated database tables are deleted along with the indexing. If you select 'No', the database tables will not be deleted, and will be listed under unused tables in the database view. If you cancel this operation nothing will be deleted.

Please note that there could be links between objects that do not lead anywhere after an object is deleted. Edit the properties of objects linked to the object you want to delete before deleting it. If deleting an object has an impact on the object relations you will receive a warning before you delete it.

Unused tables must be deleted before creating new cabinets or register/document types.

Copying Object Types

Cabinets as well as register and document types can be copied within an object definition or to a different object definition.

  • Cabinets are dragged to an object definition by holding the left mouse button down while the cursor is inside the workspace.

Cabinets are copied with their contents.

  • Register or document types are dragged to the cabinet of an object definition by holding the left mouse button.

If an object with the same name or internal name, you will be asked to rename the copied object.

Please check if you will need to adapt the dialog elements with catalogs, add-ons, or icons. Please also check if the internal name contains special characters which are not valid anymore in the active version.