'Batch change of rights group fields' Action
The 'Batch change of rights group fields' action can be used to change the index data of fields of the 'Rights group control' type. For example, you can remove users who have left from the index data or add new groups after making changes to the user or group configuration.
To use this action, add the axacrgref.dll library via the 'Additions' Tab and create a configuration.
The configuration dialog displays all object types that contain fields of the 'Rights group control' type.
Selecting a field will allow you to configure new rules for this field or refer to existing rules of another field.
Configuring Rules
Rules can be created for each field on the assigned tabs. If you create multiple rules, then they will be applied in the sequence shown, going from top to bottom. The sequence can be rearranged using the arrow buttons.
Three types of rules can be created:
Replace with
An existing value in this field will be replaced with another value: User or group.
Add to
An existing value in this field will be added to another value: User or group.
An existing value in this field will be removed.
Rules can be checked. A check for logical consistency is performed. On how many objects the rule will affect is also displayed.