Integration into Other Systems
You can integrate enaio® webclient with other systems and web applications: Links to an enaio® webclient URL can be integrated wherever URLs are evaluated, primarily in web pages.
You can also define a specific action to be performed automatically after logging in to enaio® webclient, for example, opening an enaio® document or running a saved search. Enter parameters in the URL to specify the action to be executed and the enaio® object with which the action will be performed.
This URL reads as follows:
You can enter this URL into your web application, for example. Clicking the URL will perform the action, such as showing an enaio® document.
Strings for parameter values, such as filter fields and search terms, can only contain characters that are permitted in a URL.
The following actions are available:
You can integrate the enaio® webclient home screen.
The URL has the following structure:
If enaio® gateway uses default port 80, specifying the port in the URL is optional.
Single Objects
You can specify the ID of an object to be opened by clicking on the embedded URL.
The location is always opened for folders and registers.
For documents, the config.webclient.hitlist.doubleClickAction parameter specifies whether the document or its index data is opened or, for example, whether the document content is offered for download.
Parameter: /#/entry?osid=<object_ID>
Result: The object with ID 4300 will open.
Optionally, you can also specify the object type ID. This opens the object faster.
Parameter: /#/entry?osid=<Object-ID>&objecttypeid=<Objecttype-ID>
If the document has variants, then the active variants can also be opened.
Parameter: /#/entry?osid=<Object ID>&activeVariant=true
Multiple Objects
You can specify more than one object ID; however, one hit list will be opened with the objects.
Parameter: /#/entry?hitlist=<object_ID1,object_ID2,object_IDn>&title=<text>&subtitle=<text>
One title and one subtitle can be specified for the hit list.
You can specify the ID of an object whose index data will be opened by clicking the embedded URL. The object can be a folder, a register, or a document.
Parameter: /#/entry?indexdata=<object_ID>
The index data of the object with ID 4300 will open.
Optionally, you can also specify the object type ID. This opens the index data of the object faster.
Parameter: /#/entry?indexdata=<Object-ID>&objecttypeid=<Objecttype-ID>
If the document has variants, then the index data of the active variant can also be opened.
Parameter: /#/entry?indexdata=<Object ID>&activeVariant=true
You can specify the ID of an object whose location will be opened by clicking the embedded URL. If the specified object is a folder or register, its contents will be opened.
Parameter: /#/entry?location=<object_ID>
Result: The location of the object with ID 4300 will open.
Optionally, you can also specify the object type ID. This opens the location of the object faster.
Parameter: /#/entry?location=<Object-ID>&objecttypeid=<Objecttype-ID>
If an object has multiple locations, you can determine the location to open by specifying the ID of the object and the ID of the register if you click the embedded URL.
Parameter: /#/entry?location=<Object-ID>&parentid=<Parent-ID>
Result: The register with ID 110 with the object will open with the ID 4300.
Optionally, you can also specify the register type ID. This opens the location of the object faster.
Parameter: /#/entry?location=<Object-ID>&parentid=<Register-ID>&parenttypeid=<Registertype-ID>
In addition to the ID of the register type, you can also specify the ID of the object type. This opens the location of the object even faster.
Parameter: /#/entry?location=<Object-ID>&objecttypeid=<Objecttype-ID>&parentid=<Register-ID>&parenttypeid=<Registertyp-ID>
You can also specify the parameter 'flat.' This parameter allows you to jump to a flat folder view. It causes the register structure to be switched off and all documents in a folder to be shown in a hit list. If the parameter is set to 'true,' the register structure is switched off. If the parameter is not set or is set to 'false,' the register structure is shown.
Parameter: /#/entry?location=<Object-ID>&flat=<Value>
Result: The register structure of the requested object with the ID 478645961 is switched off.
Result: The register structure of the requested object with the ID 478645961 is shown.
An open location is shown with a filter field that can be used to filter the hit list. The string for the filter field must have a minimum length of three characters. Strings for the filter field can be passed as well.
Parameter: /#/entry?location=<object_ID>&filter=<filter_value>
You can specify the ID of a workflow work item to be opened by clicking the embedded URL.
The IDs of work items can be determined with the help of program libraries such as the Java workflow API.
Parameter: /#/entry?workflow=<ID of the work item>
Result: The workflow work item with the ID 0A3F88A13FA4445AA5D0CFE062B941E is opened. If you are one of the editors of the work item, it will appear in your inbox a short time later.
You can specify the ID of a saved search that can be executed by clicking the embedded URL.
Saved searches are set up in enaio® client.
Parameter: /#/entry?search=<Search-ID>
Result: The result of the search with ID 26889 will be shown in a hit list.
The hit list of a saved search is shown with a filter field that can be used to filter the hit list. The string for the filter field must have a minimum length of three characters. Strings for the filter field can be passed as well.
Parameter: /#/entry?search=<search_ID>&filter=<filter_value>
You can determine the ID of a saved search via enaio® appconnector. To do so, access the following URL in your browser: http://<DOMAIN>/osrest/api/documents/storedqueries?showglobal=true. You can then search for the name of the search in the JSON output in the browser and determine the ID of the saved search.
You can specify the ID of a saved search with variables that can be executed by clicking the embedded URL.
The action is limited to saved searches with dynamic variables. Saved searches with static variables and/or special values (#User#, #Date#, etc.) cannot be executed via URL.
Parameter: /#/entry?search=<Search-ID>&var1=<Variable value>
You can determine the ID of a saved search via enaio® appconnector. To do so, access the following URL in your browser: http://<DOMAIN>/osrest/api/documents/storedqueries?showglobal=true. You can then search for the name of the search in the JSON output in the browser and determine the ID of the saved search.
Multiple Variables
Multiple variables are combined using the & character.
Result: The result of the search with ID 26889, variable 1=a, and variable 2=100077 will be shown in a hit list.
Filter Field
The hit list of a saved search is shown with a filter field that can be used to filter the hit list. The string for the filter field must have a minimum length of three characters. Strings for the filter field can be passed as well.
Parameter: /#/entry?search=<search_ID>&var1=<variable_value>&filter=<filter_value>
Checkboxes and Radio Buttons
If checkboxes or radio buttons are included as variables in the saved searches, the following values are assigned to these dialog elements:
ticked: 1, not ticked: 0 -
Radio button
The first option of the group field that is shown as a variable in enaio® client when configuring the saved searches is selected: 0, the second option of the group field is selected: 1, and the third option of the group field is selected: 2, and so forth.
You can specify the ID of a document whose document file is downloaded by clicking the embedded URL.
Parameter: /#/entry?download=<object_ID>
Result: The document file of the document with the ID 4421 is downloaded.
Optionally, you can also specify the object type ID. This will start downloading the document file faster.
Parameter: /#/entry?download=<Object-ID>&objecttypeid=<Objecttype-ID>
If the document has variants, then the active variants can also be downloaded.
Parameter: /#/entry?download=<Object ID>&activeVariant=true
Furthermore, you can download a PDF of the document file instead of the original document file.
Parameter: /#/entry?download=<object_ID>&rendition=pdf
If a document contains several document files, they are downloaded together in a *.zip file. Similarly, several document files of a document are combined into one PDF when downloading using the parameter rendition=pdf.
You can perform a full-text search.
Parameter: /#/entry?fulltextsearch=<search term>
All search terms, placeholders, and combinations that are also allowed for full-text search from clients are valid as search terms.
The hit list of a full-text search is shown with a filter field that can be used to filter the hit list. The string for the filter field must have a minimum length of three characters. Strings for the filter field can be passed as well.
Parameter: /#/entry?fulltextsearch=<search term>&filter=<filter value>