'Search' and 'Index' Services

enaio® 10.10 »

The connection data to Elasticsearch and technical parameters for full-text indexing are specified in the configuration of the 'search' and 'index' services. General service parameters can also be customized.

This is configured via enaio® services-admin and can be accessed in the browser at the following URL:


Default port: 7273

When accessed, enaio® services-admin shows all integrated services and their status. The configuration page is opened via the drop-down menu for the 'search' service. The parameters are arranged according to the configuration file in which they are saved. application-blue.yml and application-prod.yml apply to all services. application-es.yml also applies to the 'index' service. In addition, the 'index' service only has to be configured if you install other 'index' services (see below).

Changes must be confirmed with the 'Save' button on the relevant configuration file.

If the enaio® database is set to 'collation sensitive,' then the parameter enaio.dms.collation.casesensitive must be set to true for the clause evaluation in the search-prod.yml configuration file from the \services\service-manager\config\ directory.


Technical user

User name of the technical user for all services.

The technical user for the services usually requires access rights for all folder, register, and document types, as well as the system role 'Server: Switch job context.'


Password of the technical user.

The password can be specified as encrypted.

enaio® server IP and port of enaio® server with connection probability. Use '#' to separate multiple enaio® server.
Elasticsearch – server

IP of Elasticsearch.

Elasticsearch – HTTP port

HTTP port of Elasticsearch for microservices communication.

Default: 8041

Elasticsearch – cluster

Cluster name of Elasticsearch

Default: elasticsearch

Optional: The clause evaluation of the rights system has been optimized in version 11.0 to accelerate the search. The switchover to the modified clause evaluation can already take place in version 10.10.


elasticsearch.optional.improved_or: true

elasticsearch.optional.improved_and: true

If errors occur during clause evaluations, then the switchover can be disabled for error analysis using the false value.


Maximum number of hits for spell check (suggest minhits)

The spell check is activated if the hit number is less than or equal to the value indicated here.

The spell check is a feature that incorporates other terms with regard to typing errors.

Default: 5

Maximum score value for spell check (suggest minscore)

The spell check is activated if the maximum score value of hits is between 0 and the value specified here.

If the maximum score value of hits is higher than the value entered here, the spell check is not activated based on the assumption that there are not typing errors.

Default: 0.6

Context size for preview (preview context words)

Indicate the number of words before and after the search term found in the document.

Default: 100

Number of text sections for the preview (preview summary fragments)

Number of text sections for preview generation in hit lists.

Default: 1

Elasticsearch is preconfigured so that access to enaio® service-manager is only allowed if it is installed on the same computer as Elasticsearch. If this is not the case, then the addresses of the enaio® service-manager where the 'index' and 'search' microservices are integrated need to be entered into the following Elasticsearch configuration file:
.Parameter: security.subnet

Multiple Instances of the 'index' Service

You can activate several instances of the 'index' service via the servicewatcher-sw.yml configuration file located in the enaio® service-manager \config directory. Set the number of instances high in the 'indexservice' section. Example: instances: 2

If the 'index' service is installed on several computers, follow the instructions in 'Distributed services'.