Creating Forms for Metadata

yuuvis® RAD designer 9.x »

yuuvis® RAD automatically provides a technically generated form template with all fields of the object type for each object type. These forms are normally sufficient for technical data transfers or for linking yuuvis® RAD as an archiving solution so that no forms need to be created.

Adapted form templates can be created in yuuvis® RAD for the respective work situations. In object creation forms, for example, you can show all fields required to set up the object. In search forms, you can hide all fields that are not relevant to the search and do not need to be filled out. However, you can also design a standard form for all situations.

To create forms for metadata, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Form view area of an object type.

    The form area is opened in the workspace and the default form template is shown.

  2. Show form templates for the situation for which you want to create forms:
  3. Click Define form template to create a template for the form.

  4. Drag the required fields into the workspace and use compositions and groups to design a form layout (see Designing Forms).

    Fields that have already been used are marked. Fields can only be used once. The fields are displayed with their neutral display name.

  5. Click Save on the Object type tab.

The forms are created and are available for the corresponding scenarios in yuuvis® RAD client after the project has been deployed.

You can use an existing form of the object type to create a form. Use the Apply content from situation function to select this function from the context menu of the form header.

Forms can be exported as a file and imported from the context menu of a form’s header using the Apply content from file function.

Properties of Form Fields

The properties of form fields are defined in the Properties area:


Specified technical name of the field

For groups and compositions, you need to assign a unique technical name. The technical name must start with a letter and may only contain letters, numbers, and underscores.

Label Label on the Can be localized. form

Labels for groups and compositions are optional.

Read-only Enabled: The field on the form is read-only.
Multiple rows Strings can contain a multi-row form field.
Size Size for strings and tables on the form: small/medium/large
Alignment Group: alignment of the form fields within a group: horizontal or vertical
Alignment Table columns: alignment within the table column: left, center, right.

Form Validation

Forms are validated automatically. The footer of a form indicates whether a form contains errors. Errors are marked in red on the form. For example, if fields were deleted or modified, this may result in errors in the form.

Form scripts are not validated.