Properties of Object Type Fields

yuuvis® RAD designer 9.x »

Create fields for metadata for each object type. A column with the corresponding data type is created for each field in the database table of an object type.

Object type fields can be populated with the following properties:



Serves to clearly identify the objects in the system. Created automatically and cannot be changed.
Technical name Unique name used in scripts. The technical name must start with a letter and may only contain letters, numbers, and underscores. It may not start with the string 'sys' and cannot be 'no'. You will need to modify the scripts accordingly if you change the technical name. The technical name is not shown on the yuuvis® RAD client user interface.
Data type The assigned data type cannot be changed.
Allow NULL values

Enabled: The field can accept the value NULL, i.e., it can remain empty.

Disabled: Field types that cannot remain empty require a default value.


Aliases can be assigned to reference the field in scripts via this alias instead of the technical name. You can specify several aliases with the same rights. Aliases for fields must be unique for the object type.

Aliases contain the namespace and name, separated by a period. The use of special characters in aliases is governed by the following rules:

  • The characters "_" and ":" may be used in names.
  • The characters "_" and ":" may not be used in namespaces.
  • No other special characters may be used in either case.

Aliases with assignments for default metadata are deployed for automatic data transfers in yuuvis® RAD via yuuvis® RAD extraction-service.

The file name can be imported via the dms.Path alias, independent of the yuuvis® RAD extraction-service.


The default value is prepopulated in form fields. Mandatory fields always require a default value.

The list offers values that vary based on the data type.

Counters can be assigned to fields of the Integer (long) data type.

The value of a counter is not entered in yuuvis® RAD client until after an object has been filed. Values entered by users are overwritten. Counters on forms should therefore be assigned the read-only property.

Read-only after creation This specifies whether the value can still be edited after creation. The property is not available for column fields in tables because read-only mode on a table column prevents new data records from being saved in this table.


In the case of decimal numbers, the total number of all digits including decimal places.

Decimal places

In the case of decimal numbers, the number of decimal places.
Maximum length Maximum string length.
Minimum length

Minimum string length.

Fields with a minimum length are flagged as mandatory if users leave them empty or clear them.

Regular expression

Regular expressions enable you to limit the possible entries for a character field. The default Java syntax is used for regular expressions. Information on default Java syntax is available at this Oracle Web address.
Catalog For catalog fields, the name of the catalog to be used for the field.
Additional information Additional information about the field (w/ name and value). The type system ignores this property.
Properties in this section are localizable. You can add translations for all supported languages using the ... button at the end of the row or the Localization view area.
Display name This is shown on the yuuvis® RAD client interface.
Description This is shown as a tooltip in yuuvis® RAD client.


Enabled: A value in the field must be unique, in other words it cannot be already entered in the same field for another object of this type.
Source for data transfer It describes the type of metadata transfer from the filing location when the object is created. This requires a comma-separated list of technical field names of the parent object type (e.g., Ablageortobjekt1.Feld1, Ablageortobjekt2.Feld2, etc.).
Digit grouping Enabled: The digits are displayed in grouped form for fields of the types integer, long, and decimal.
Index for autocomplete

Defines whether autocomplete is supported for fields of the type String.

Autocomplete displays suggestions from all objects to the user without checking the user’s access rights. If a suggestion is applied in the search, this may therefore result in the user not being displayed any objects due to their lack of rights.


Assigns a classifying property to fields. Classification are displayed in the References aspect area in yuuvis® RAD client.

For example, fields of the type String can be assigned classifications like E-mail or Web address.

Users or user groups can be assigned to fields of the type ID.

Example: Fields like Person in charge or Approved by can be created with the ID type and User/Group classification. One or multiple persons can then be assigned to a field thus classified in yuuvis® RAD client (an organization reference field).

Fields of type ID can also be assigned object types, including abstract object types, cross-context object types, or any general types. A field classified in this way – an object reference field – can then be assigned an object of the object type in yuuvis® RAD client. The object IDs are shown in title and description formatting.

Fields of the type String can be classified as Dynamic lists. Dynamic lists are created using scripts.

In the case of dynamic lists containing than 1,000 or more entries, you will face long waits when opening lists and selecting elements. Dynamic lists do not have an assigned function in saved searches.
Classification as an e-mail should only be used when all e-mail addresses are indexed using the same structure. If this is not the case, the hit lists in columns with e-mail addresses become confusing.
<Peter Paul> ""

Context field Folder fields: Fields of a folder that are enabled as the context field are also shown in the search form of the document type.
Field reference

A metadata field of an object type from which users can transfer metadata in yuuvis® RAD client is specified.

Field references can only be assigned to fields of the type String and Set[String].

Field references are displayed in the References aspect area in yuuvis® RAD client.

Field references in tables are not displayed in the References aspect area. Metadata reference fields in yuuvis® RAD client always offer their own autocomplete function.


Persistence name

The persistence name ensures unique and permanent identification in the database. The persistence name must not be changed after activation. Unauthorized changes, e.g., those resulting from deleting or creating data, can lead to inconsistencies in the database. The persistence name is limited to a maximum of nine letters in lowercase and cannot contain spaces or special characters.
Database index type

This defines how the database column is indexed:

  • If Without is specified, no indexes are created.
  • If Not unique is specified, an index with multiple keys is created.

Fields with their properties can be copied using Ctrl+C and pasted using Ctrl+V for the same or another object type. Fields can also be dragged and dropped within the object type. Properties that need to be modified after they are copied are highlighted in the Properties area.