Activities in Process Models

yuuvis® RAD designer 9.x »

Open process models are shown and edited in the Drawing page view area. This is where activities are created and the procedure is established via transitions or start conditions of activities. The properties of the model, activities, and transitions are entered in the Properties area. Properties can be shown by category or alphabetically.

Activities are selected via the Drawing page context tab and arranged on the drawing page with the mouse.


You can design process models with the following activities:

  • Work item

    User activity via a form

  • Route

    Technical activity for execution of scripts.

  • Subprocess

    Technical activity to control and synchronize subprocesses.

    A subprocess activity can launch processes of another model as a subprocess via a BeforeStartActivity script or reference subprocesses that are already running. To reference a subprocess that is already running, the script needs its ID, which can be stored in the 'subProcessId' variable of the subprocess activity.

    The subprocess activity waits until the referenced subprocess ends.

  • Container

    Technical activity to determine variables and scopes and to nest activities.

  • Loop

    Technical activity in which included activities will run depending on the loop conditions.

  • Parallel multi-instance

    Technical activity in which several instances of included activities are executed concurrently based on the type.


Transitions link activities. An activity can spawn several transitions, which are carried out depending on the conditions. Several transactions can lead to an activity.

If transitions from an activity A to an activity B are possible, directly or indirectly, and also transitions from activity B to activity A, then a loop must be used.

Process models do not require any transactions if the sequence of activities is established via start conditions or scripts.

Transitions are created in the drawing page with the selection tool on the Drawing page context tab. Draw a line with the mouse from a transition point at the edge of an activity to a transition point of another activity.

Transition Properties

Property Comment
Transition ID Automatically assigned ID used in scripts.

Transition condition.


function eval()
	return $.variable('wert').value > 399;

The transition is evaluated if the 'Value' data field is greater than '399'.


Transitions with higher priority are evaluated first.

The lowest value is '0'.