Installing yuuvis® RAD service-manager

yuuvis® RAD 7.x »

The microservices are integrated in the yuuvis® RAD service-manager service and are installed using yuuvis® RAD service-manager. All components for yuuvis® RAD client and yuuvis® RAD management-studio are also a part of this.

Ensure that the System Requirements are fulfilled before installation.

To install yuuvis® RAD service-manager, follow these steps:

  1. Copy the yuuvis_rad_service-manager installation directory to the file system of the computer on which you want to install yuuvis® RAD service-manager with the microservices.

  2. Launch yuuvis_rad_service-manager_setup-<Version>.exe from the installation directory.
  3. The installation wizard will start. Follow the steps described by the installation wizard.

  4. Enter the following microservice parameters.

    The central microservice parameters will be entered in the configuration files of the microservices. Subsequent changes can be made via the Service Application Manager SAM.

  5. Technical service name/

    service display name

    Technical service name and service display name for service control
    HTTP port Port of yuuvis® RAD service-manager. Default: 7281
    Data directory Data directory for yuuvis® RAD service-manager.

    IP address of the computer on which yuuvis® RAD core-service is installed.

    API key

    Enter the API key of the system user. The API key required here is shown when yuuvis® RAD core-service is installed.

    Access from yuuvis® RAD service-manager to yuuvis® RAD core-service is made in the context of the system user with full access rights for this.

    Database type
    • MSSQL
    • PostgreSQL

    Continued support for Oracle databases will only be available for existing installations.

    Database server IP address of the computer on which the database is installed.
    Database server port Port of the database computer
    Database instance Database instance name
    Database name Database name
    Schema name Schema name of the database
    Database user Name of the technical user for database access.
    Database password Password of the technical user for database access.
    JDBC string

    The JDBC string for the database connection is created automatically from the database information. Only edit the entry if changes need to be made for specific environments.

    Rendition server

    IP address of the rendition service

    The rendition service can be installed after yuuvis® RAD service-manager.

    Rendition server port Rendition service port. Default: 8090
    IP filter for

    IP addresses from which it is possible to access yuuvis® RAD core-service via the 'dms-sidecar' service. and the address of yuuvis® RAD service-manager are prepopulated.

    These addresses are required for this IP filter and are generally all that is needed.

    The addresses are entered in the dms-prod.yml configuration file found in the \config directory.

  6. Adjust the service parameters before you start the service:

    • Launch yuuvis_rad_service_managerw.exe from the \service-manager\bin\ directory.
    • Service parameters:

      Log On > Account

      Account for login to the service

      yuuvis® RAD service-manager requires an administrative account.

      Logging > Level Optional: Logging level for service logging
      Logging > Path Optional: Path for service logs
      Logging > Stdout Optional: Redirect the standard output to a file
      Logging > Stderror Optional: Redirect the standard error output to a file
      Startup > Arguments The port of yuuvis® RAD service-manager can be modified. Default: 7281
      Java > Java options

      Optional: Modify Tomcat data directories.

  7. Modify the application-prod.yml configuration file located in the \config directory of yuuvis® RAD service-manager.
    • Add the following entry to the end of the file: feign.hystrix.enabled: false

    • Change the values for connection-timeout and socket-timeout as follows:

       connection-timeout-ms: 60000
       socket-timeout-ms: 300000

  8. Modify the application-es.yml configuration file located in the \config directory of yuuvis® RAD service-manager: '' ''

    Specify the address of Elasticsearch.

    If Elasticsearch is installed on the same server as yuuvis® RAD service-manager, then no change is necessary.

  9. Modify the application-mq.yml configuration file located in the \config directory of yuuvis® RAD service-manager: 'tcp://' 'stomp://'

    Specify the address of the server running the 'messagingservice' microservice.

    If yuuvis® RAD core-service is installed on the same server as yuuvis® RAD service-manager, then no change is necessary.

  10. If the 'structureservice' and 'discoveryservice' microservices are running on different computers and/or the Discoveryservice is running on a port other than the default port (7261), then add the appropriate values, host/port of the Discoveryservice, to the configuration file <service-manager>\config\servicewatcher-sw.yml in the Structureservice section as follows:

    - name: structureservice
      type: executable
      profiles: prod,red,es,mq
      instances: 1
      port: 7461-7469
      path: ${appBase}/structureservice/structure-service.exe
        EUREKA_HOST: discovery-host
        EUREKA_PORT: discovery-port
  11. Other optional changes:

    • Setting for authentication via the 'Gateway' microservice:
    • Default: 'FORM' (login dialog) / 'BASIC' (login data as parameter).

      'NTLM' can be activated via the gateway-prod.yml configuration file in the \service-manager\config\ directory. 'NTLM' automatically deactivates 'FORM' and 'BASIC'.

    • HTTPS
    • HTTPS can be activated.

    • SameSite attribute
    • It is possible to set the SameSite attribute for yuuvis® RAD cookies: strict, lax, none.

      The SameSite attribute is entered in a new line in the gateway-prod.yml configuration file in the \service-manager\config\ directory: cookie.samesite: 'strict'

    • Context path
    • A context path is used as the prefix for all URLs. yuuvis® RAD gateway can be accessed via a context path if it is running at an address as one of several services. Integration into portals is therefore possible, for example.

      • A context path is integrated via the gateway-prod.yml configuration file in the \<service-manager>\config\ directory:

        server.context-path: ${gateway-context-path}
        management.port: 7396

        management.port: Free port that is accessible for other yuuvis® services. Management URLs are called under the defined port not the context path.

        If multiple instances of the 'Gateway' microservice are running, the management port is specified for the instances in the servicewatcher-sw.yml configuration file instead:

        - name: gateway
          type: microservice
          profiles: prod,cloud,red
          instances: 1
          memory: 256M
          port: 80
          path: ${appBase}/gateway/gateway-app.jar
          - --management.port=7396
        - name: gateway_2
          type: microservice
          profiles: prod,cloud,red
          instances: 1
          memory: 256M
          port: 81
          path: ${appBase}/gateway/gateway-app.jar
          - --management.port=7397

        Alternatively, a separate profile can be used for each instance. The management port is specified either in the profile or in the servicewatcher-sw.yml configuration file.

      • A context path is integrated via the application-prod.yml configuration file in the <service-manager>\config\ directory: Example: gateway-context-path: '/yuuvis'

        Any number of path segments with a / at the start (leading) but not the end (closing) are entered.

      • Create the extend.json configuration file in the <service-manager-data>\webresource\resources\client\assets\_default\config\ directory and add the block shown below (all base addresses). The current base addresses can be viewed, if necessary, under <service-manager-data>\webresource\public\client\assets\_default\config\main.json.

          "uri": {
            "serviceBase": "/yuuvis/rest-ws/service",
            "searchBase": "/yuuvis/search",
            "contextBase": "/yuuvis/structure",
            "inboxBase": "/yuuvis/inboxservice",
            "bpmBase": "/yuuvis/bpm",
            "agentBase": "/yuuvis/agent",
            "statusBase": "/yuuvis/status",
            "loginBase": "/yuuvis"
      • Specify the context path in yuuvis® RAD management-studio via : Main menu > System > Settings > Core service > Global > Client path. Example: yuuvis/app/client

    • Instances and memory assignments
    • Microservice instances can be added and microservices can be deactivated (instances: 0) via the servicewatcher-sw.yml configuration file in the \service-manager\config\ directory.

      The memory assignment for the individual microservices can be modified.

      If more than 1.5 GB of storage space is assigned to a microservice, the arch: x64 parameter must be added.

  12. Start the yuuvis® RAD service-manager service.

    It may take several minutes to start yuuvis® RAD service-manager and the microservices.

If yuuvis® RAD service-manager does not start the microservices, then check the following settings in the registry editor: key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\PerfProc\Performance\Disable Performance Counters (REG_DWORD). The value must be specified as 0.
If the operating system's language setting was changed and the microservices do not start, then check the following settings in the registry editor: key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib\009. The values need to be entered in English. Resetting the language change usually solves the problem. Information can also be found at Microsoft.

Uninstalling yuuvis® RAD service-manager

When you install yuuvis® RAD service-manager, an uninstallation program is created in the installation directory, which uninstalls yuuvis® RAD service-manager and all microservices.

Passwords in yuuvis® RAD service-manager

Passwords in the following configuration files are stored in encrypted form during installation:

  • archive-prod.yml, application-dbs.yml, application-es.yml, application-red.yml, erm-prod.yml, gateway-prod.yml, repositorymanager-prod.yml, servicewatcher-sw.yml

Passwords in configuration files from previous versions of yuuvis® RAD are not encrypted and will not be encrypted when an update is installed. These passwords can be encrypted as follows:

  • Open the command prompt as an administrator and go to the \service-manager\tools\ directory.

  • Run the following command: encode.bat password

    The encrypted password is shown with a leading 'ENC' in round brackets: ENC(encryptedpassword)

  • Copy the encrypted password with the leading 'ENC' and round brackets and add it to the configuration file.

  • Save the configuration file.