Defining Substitutes
If you have the appropriate permission, you can define one or more substitutes to take charge of your tasks while you are absent. The permission to appoint substitutes is assigned to you by the administrator. The administrator can also assign substitutes to you with the same areas of responsibility.

- Click your profile picture on the yuuvis® RAD bar, then click the Settings button.
Enter the name of a substitute in the My substitutes input field in the user area.
You will already see a list of suggested names after having entered the first two letters.
- Click the name of the required substitute.
A substitute will be created and added to your list of substitutes.
When you are out of office, your tasks will automatically be forwarded to all substitutes.
The I substitute for entry under the settings shows for which users you assume the role of substitute. Red and green indicate whether the relevant users are registered as present or out of office. Red means that the user in question is out of office and therefore that their substitution rule is active. Green means that the user in question is present.
Substitutes cannot forward tasks to substitutes.