Searching for Objects in Expert Mode
yuuvis® RAD client offers searches in expert mode for advanced users. You can access the expert mode using the Expert search icon in the search dialog.
The query language is based on the syntax of Elasticsearch. General information about the search options is available on the Elasticsearch website.
The following rules apply to searching in expert mode:
Placeholders |
Searches can be combined with the following placeholders: '*' for any kind and any number of characters. '?' for exactly one character. |
Exact search | If you want to search for an exact string, enter it in double quotation marks. |
Operators |
You can combine searches with logical operators.
Here are some examples of search requests:
Find all objects of the type 'photo' which have a date in 2016 in the date field 'imagedate'. |
dte_photo_imagedate:[2016-01-01 TO 2016-12-31] |
Find objects of a specific type that contain the search term in two string fields. |
---| OR |
Find objects of a specific type where the search term 'Mar' is contained in a specific field. |
key_type:personnel_file AND str_personnel_file_name.idxs:Mar*
key_type:personnel_file AND str_personnel_file_name.idxs:Mar?in When carrying out wildcard searches, .idxs must be appended to the string field name. If 'key_type:personnel file AND' is omitted, all child objects of the file will be found if they have been assigned the 'str_personnelfile_name' field for inheritance. |
Find all objects of the type 'document', where the 'class' catalog field is set to 'applicant' in the 'personal file' folder. |
key_type:document AND key_contextfoldertype:personnel file AND key_personnelfile_class:applicant |
Find all objects of the type 'photo' that have no value in the 'imagedate' date field (NULL). |
key_type:photo AND NOT _exists_:dte_photo_imagedate |
Find all objects of the type 'document' that do not have a document file. |
num_filesize:<1 AND key_type: "document" |
For certain field names, a prefix must be prefixed to the search request:
Field name | Prefix | Example |
Catalog fields | key_ | key_personnelfile_class:applicant |
String fields | str_ | str_personnelfile_firstname: |
Numeric fields (all journal e-mails with attachments) |
num_ | num_sysemail_sysattachmentcount:>0 |
Boolean fields | bol_ | bol_personnelfile_active:true / ....:(false |
Date fields | dte_ | dte_photobasic_photodate:"YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ"
Example: dte_photobasic_photodate:"2024-12-24T14:00:00Z" |
Searches in the expert mode cannot be saved, added to the favorites, or shared.
Basic parameters | Search criterion | Example |
Document file ID | bke_contentid | bke_contentid:5DA3C1EA05464E6CB814156FEB6F734D |
Folder ID | bke_contextfolderid | bke_contextfolderid:C80CF02F62CF414CBF97EDC39377355C |
User ID | bke_creatorid | bke_creatorid:E5662D493E854E0E9B2EBCE9CE22999E |
Digest of the document file | bke_digest | bke_digest:D7659FA8E0B0039278E580B61696D3EF12C119708FFF3D646AEF8825A6B30342 |
User ID | bke_modifierid | bke_modifierid:E5662D493E854E0E9B2EBCE9CE22999E |
Object type ID | bke_typeid | bke_typeid:713A3BBC86974F29B2961344A89EB59F |
Object instance ID | bke_versionid | bke_versionid:80345CEA6267430FA01AD261DF971930 |
Actual folder | bol_contextfolder | bol_contextfolder:true |
Creation date | dte_created | dte_created:"2023-02-15T08:11:42Z" |
Date of indexing | dte_indexed | dte_indexed:"2023-02-15T09:05:03Z" |
Change date | dte_modified | dte_modified:"2023-02-15T08:11:42Z" |
Root folder | key_contextfoldertype | key_contextfoldertype:sysroot |
Login name | key_creator | key_creator:Miller |
Full name of the user | key_creatorfullname | key_creatorfullname:John Miller |
Title of the user with last name, first name | key_creatortitle | key_creatortitle:Miller, John |
MimeType of the document file | key_mimetype | key_mimetype:image/png |
File type | key_mimetypegroup | key_mimetypegroup:image |
Login name | key_modifier | key_modifier:Miller |
Full name of the user | key_modifierfullname | key_modifierfullname:John Miller |
Title of the user with last name, first name | key_modifiertitle | key_modifiertitle:Miller, John |
Technical name of the object type | key_type | key_type:legalfilestorage |
Filing location path | locationpath | locationpath:[C80CF02F62CF414CBF97EDC39377355C/5DA3C1EA05464E6CB814156FEB6F734D] |
Number of linked objects | num_contentlinkedcount | num_contentlinkedcount:0 |
File size (in bytes) | num_filesize | num_filesize:4462 |
Version number | num_version | num_version:1 |
Document filename | str_filename | str_filename:pengbrew.png |
File type path | typepath | typepath:[sysroot/rechtaktenablage] |