Changing the Password

yuuvis® RAD client 10.x »

To change your password, follow these steps

  1. Click your profile picture on the yuuvis® RAD bar, then click the Settings button.

    The settings menu appears.

  2. Click the Change password button in the Change password area.

    The password drop-down menu opens.

  3. Enter your current and new password in the drop-down menu.

    Confirm your entry by clicking the Change password button.

    Click the Visibility icon Visibility icon to make the characters of your password visible.

    If you do not observe the password rules when entering your new password or make a mistake when confirming your password, you will receive corresponding notifications when saving. Password rules are configured by your administrator.

The password is changed and is valid with the next login.

The Change password menu in the Settings will not be available if automated login or two-factor authentication (such as OAuth2) has been configured for your system.