Keyboard Shortcuts
Certain commands in yuuvis® RAD client can be executed using keyboard shortcuts. yuuvis® RAD client supports a wide range of popular keyboard shortcuts. The following special shortcuts can be used in specific areas and go beyond the standard shortcuts.
Ctrl+Ctrl | Opens the dialog menu with the actions available in the context, which can only be accessed using the keyboard. You can use Esc to close the dialog menu again. |
Ctrl+Ctrl+0 | Opens the yuuvis® RAD client dashboard. |
Ctrl+Ctrl+1 | Opens the inbox in the Main menu. |
Ctrl+Ctrl+2 | Opens the in-tray in the Main menu. |
Ctrl+Ctrl+3 | Opens the favorites area in the Main menu. |
Ctrl+Ctrl+4 | Opens the settings menu in the yuuvis® RAD bar. |
Ctrl+Ctrl+A | Opens the actions menu in the object area. |
Ctrl+Ctrl+C | Opens the Create object menu in the yuuvis® RAD bar. |
Ctrl+Ctrl+E |
Opens the metadata form or the Metadata aspect area of a selected object. Aspect areas can be hidden by the administrator. As a result, the functions described may not be available to you. |
Ctrl+Ctrl+L | Logs you off of yuuvis® RAD client and closes the client. |
Ctrl+Ctrl+O | Opens the folder of a selected object. |
Ctrl+Ctrl+S | Opens the Search dialog in the yuuvis® RAD bar. |
Ctrl+Ctrl+U | Undocks the object area and opens it in a separate browser window that you can move anywhere on the screen. |
Ctrl+Ctrl+V |
Hide and show the yuuvis® RAD client header. When you press Ctrl+Ctrl+V the first time, the yuuvis® RAD bar is hidden. If you press Ctrl+Ctrl+V a second time, the header is hidden in different views. If you want to restore the original view of yuuvis® RAD, press Ctrl+Ctrl+V a third time. |
Esc | Closes dialogs without adopting any values that may have been entered. |
Enter key ↩ |
Tab key ↹ | Moves the cursor from one field to the next in forms opened for editing. |
Shift+Tab ⇧+↹ |
Moves the cursor back to the previous field in forms opened for editing. |
Press Ctrl+left mouse key or mouse wheel | Opens a browser tab. The feature is only available for GUI elements with hyperlink. |
Ctrl+left mouse button | Clicking the yuuvis® RAD logo opens a new tab with the dashboard of yuuvis® RAD client in the browser. |
Tab key ↹ | Jumps in the dashboard, starting from the global search dialog via the saved searches to the widgets and the elements in the yuuvis® RAD bar, ultimately returning the global search dialog. |
Enter key ↩ |
Starts a corresponding action, depending on the currently focused element on the dashboard:
Ctrl+Enter ↩ |
Starts a corresponding action in a new browser tab, depending on the currently focused element on the dashboard. The function is available for the following dashboard elements:
Double-click |
Right mouse button |
Opens the actions menu in the list area in hit lists. |
Space | Selects and deselects rows in lists. |
Arrow key ← left |
Jumps to the next column to the left or right in a list. |
Tab key ↹ |
Jumps to the next column to the right in a list. |
Shift+Tab |
Jumps to the next column to the left in a list. |
Ctrl+Shift ⇧+ arrow key |
Jumps to the bottommost or topmost column in a list. |
Ctrl+Shift⇧+ arrow key ← left |
Jumps to the last or first column in a list. |
Ctrl+C | Copies a selected cell. |
Ctrl+Shift ⇧+C | Copies a selected row. |
Ctrl+Shift ⇧+Alt+C | Copies all selected rows including the column titles. |
Only the data that is displayed in the hit list will be copied. If necessary, change the display via the configuration menu in the header of the hit list.
Tab key ↹ |
Jumps to the next tab to the right if a tab was selected. |
Shift+Tab |
Jumps to the next tab to the left if a tab was selected. |
Asterisk (*) | Shows all available elements of a list of suggestions in a user/group field. |
Space |
Ctrl+Z | Undo last step: Restores deleted characters in input fields, but does not work in multi-fields. |
Double-click on table row |
Opens a dialog with a form for editing the table row. Depending on the configuration, the buttons for copying, saving, canceling, and deleting are offered. |
Three asterisks |
Shows all available elements of a list of suggestions in a metadata reference field. |
Ctrl+ Reference icon | Opens the object of a reference in a new tab. |
Space bar or Enter key ↩ or arrow key |
Opens the dialog to select a date if the down-arrow icon was selected. |
Arrow key ↑ up ↓ down |
Reduces or increases the year by one if the year field was selected. |
All arrow keys |
Switches the date if a date field was selected. |
Enter key ↩ |
Adopts the selected value and closes the dialog. |
Space bar or Enter key ↩ |
Opens the dialog to select a catalog value if the calendar icon or the down-arrow icon was selected. |
Arrow key ↑ up ↓ down |
Moves the preselection to the next/previous value. |
Arrow keys |
The nodes are expanded/collapsed in the hierarchical catalogs. |
Enter key ↩ |
Adopts the selected value and closes the dialog. |
Space |
The preselected value is adopted for multi-fields. |
The content preview needs to be selected for all of the following keyboard shortcuts. To do so, click the image in the content preview. |
Mouse wheel forward or backward | Scrolls the preview view down or up. |
Shift key ⇧ + mouse wheel forward or back | Scrolls the preview to the right or left. |
Ctrl + arrow key |
Jumps to the beginning/end of the document. |
Ctrl ++ or Ctrl+mouse wheel forward |
Zooms in on the preview. |
Ctrl+- or Ctrl+mouse wheel backward |
Zooms out on the preview. |
Ctrl+Ctrl+A |
Opens the actions menu in the object area. |
Tab key ↹ or arrow key ↓ down |
Jumps from one action to the next in the actions menu and from one field or button to the next in open action dialogs. |
Shift+Tab ⇧+↹ or arrow key ↑ up |
Jumps from one action to the previous one in the actions menu and from one field or button to the previous one in open action dialogs. |
Enter key ↩ |
Executes the focused action or opens an action dialog. |
Esc |
Closes the actions menu or open dialogs of actions and simultaneously closes the actions menu without executing an action. |
Ctrl+left mouse button |
Opens the Most recent changes or Recently edited lists in the folder view in a new browser tab. |