ILM Configuration

yuuvis® RAD repository-manager 10.x »

The ILM connection of yuuvis® RAD repository-manager is configured via the rmilm-prod.yml configuration file, which needs to be copied to the \config directory of yuuvis® RAD repository-manager.

A template for the configuration is available for download.

Configuration file parameters:

Parameter Type Description Sample value Default
repositorymanager-ilm.controller.prefix String ILM controller prefix that determines the path to be used by SAP®. The default is cs and the full path to the ILM controller is /cs/ilm. os cs
repositorymanager-ilm.auth.username String User name of the ILM client user -
repositorymanager-ilm.auth.password String Password for the user name secret -
repositorymanager-ilm.retention.enabled Boolean ILM documents with a deletion lock have their retention times set in yuuvis® RAD. false true
repositorymanager-ilm.rad.dms.use-sidecar Boolean Connection via the 'dmssidecar' service true false
repositorymanager-ilm.rad.dms.api-url List

IP address and port used by yuuvis® RAD repository-manager to connect to yuuvis® RAD core-service.

Required when 'repositorymanager-ilm.rad.use-sidecar' has the value 'false'.


repositorymanager-ilm.rad.dms.username String

User name for access to yuuvis® RAD core-service

Required when 'repositorymanager-ilm.rad.use-sidecar' has the value 'false'.



repositorymanager-ilm.rad.dms.password String

Password for access to yuuvis® RAD core-service

Required when 'repositorymanager-ilm.rad.use-sidecar' has the value 'false'.



monitoring.trace.enabled Boolean Activate the metrics log. The services.metrics.log metrics log is also created in the \logs directory of yuuvis® RAD service-manager. true false

Encryption of Configuration Data

Passwords and other sensitive data stored in the rmilm-prod.yml configuration file should be encrypted:

  • Open the command prompt as an administrator and go to the \service-manager\tools\ directory.

  • Run the following command: encode.bat "value" -W.

    The encrypted password is shown with a leading 'ENC' in round brackets: ENC(encryptedvalue).

  • Copy the encrypted password with the leading 'ENC' and round brackets and add it to the configuration file.

  • Save the configuration file.