Metadata Mapping for yuuvis® RAD extraction-service
The extracted data of media and document files are processed in such a way that the value of the first matching date is transferred to the metadata.
The notation of yuuvis® RAD aliases is namespace.Name.
yuuvis® RAD extraction-service provides the following mappings of default properties from e-mail files on joint yuuvis® RAD aliases:
yuuvis® RAD alias | E-mail tag | Content |
extract.OS:Subject |
dc:description dc:title subject title |
Subject of the e-mail. |
extract.OS:Title | subject | Heading of a conversation. |
extract.OS:MailFrom |
dc:creator Message-From meta:author |
Sender of the e-mail. |
extract.OS:MailTo |
Message-Recipient-Address Message-To |
Recipient of the e-mail. |
extract.OS:MailCc | Message-Cc | Recipient of a copy of the e-mail. |
extract.OS:MailBcc | Message-Bcc | Hidden recipient of a copy of the e-mail. |
extract.OS:MailDate |
Creation-Date dcterms:created meta:creation-date |
Date on which the e-mail was created. |
extract.OS:Mimetype extract.OS:MailType |
MIME type information. Example EML: message/rfc822 |
extract.OS:MailBody | Full content of the e-mail body | |
extract.OS:MailAttachments | Name of all attachments, separated by semicolons. | |
extract.OS:MailAttachmentsText | Extractable texts from attachments. |
yuuvis® RAD extraction-service provides the following mappings of EXIF data from audio, video, and image files, and XMP data from Office and PDF files on shared yuuvis® RAD tags:
yuuvis® RAD alias | Document tag |
extract.OS:Title |
ASF:Title FlashPix:Title ID3:Title IFD0:XPTitle Matroska:Title Microsoft:Title PDF:Title PNG:Title PostScript:Title QuickTime:Title Vorbis:Title XML:Title XMP-dc:Title XMP-pdf:Title XMP-PixelLive:Title XMP-xmp:Title |
extract.OS:Subject |
FlashPix:Subject IFD0:XPSubject Microsoft:Subject PDF:Subject PostScript:Subject XMP-dc:Subject XMP-pdf:Subject XMP-xmpMM:Subject |
extract.OS:Keywords |
FlashPix:Keywords IFD0:XPKeywords IPTC:Keywords PDF:Keywords PostScript:Keywords QuickTime:Keywords XML:Keywords XMP-acdsee:Keywords XMP-pdf:Keywords XMP-xmp:Keywords |
extract.OS:Comments |
AIFF:Comment ExifIFD:UserComment File:Comment FlashPix:Comments ID3:Comments IFD0:XPComment Microsoft:Comment PNG:Comment QuickTime:Comment Vorbis:Comment XML:Comment XMP-exif:UserComment XMP-PixelLive:Comments |
extract.OS:LastModifiedBy |
ASF:ModifiedBy FlashPix:LastModifiedBy Microsoft:ModifiedBy XML:LastModifiedBy |
extract.OS:CreateDate |
ExifIFD:CreateDate File:CreateDate Flash:CreateDate FlashPix:CreateDate IPTC:DateCreated Microsoft:DateCreated PDF:CreateDate PNG:CreateDate PostScript:CreateDate QuickTime:CreateDate QuickTime:CreationDate System:FileCreateDate XML:CreateDate XMP-pdf:CreationDate XMP-photoshop:DateCreated XMP-xmp:CreateDate |
extract.OS:ModifyDate |
FlashPix:ModifyDate IFD0:ModifyDate Microsoft:DateModified PDF:ModifyDate PNG:ModDate PostScript:ModifyDate QuickTime:ModifyDate System:FileModifyDate XML:ModifyDate XMP-pdf:ModDate XMP-xmp:ModifyDate |
extract.OS:PageCount |
FlashPix:Pages Microsoft:Pages PDF:PageCount PostScript:Pages XML:Pages |
extract.OS:ImageWidth |
ASF:ImageWidth BMP:ImageWidth ExifIFD:ExifImageWidth ExifIFD:ImageWidth File:ImageWidth File:ImageWidth Flash:ImageWidth FlashPix:ImageWidth H264:ImageWidth IFD0:ImageWidth IPTC:IPTCImageWidth Matroska:ImageWidth MPEG:ImageWidth Photoshop:ImageWidth PNG:ImageWidth QuickTime:SourceImageWidth Theora:ImageWidth Track*:ImageWidth XMP-exif:ExifImageWidth XMP-svg:ImageWidth XMP-tiff:ImageWidth XMP-tiff:ImageWidth XMP-xmp:PageImageWidth |
extract.OS:ImageHeight |
ASF:ImageHeight BMP:ImageHeight ExifIFD:ExifImageHeight ExifIFD:ImageHeight File:ImageHeight Flash:ImageHeight FlashPix:ImageHeight H264:ImageHeight IFD0:ImageHeight IPTC:IPTCImageHeight Matroska:ImageHeight MPEG:ImageHeight Photoshop:ImageHeight PNG:ImageHeight QuickTime:SourceImageHeight Theora:ImageHeight Track*:ImageHeight XMP-exif:ExifImageHeight XMP-svg:ImageHeight XMP-tiff:ImageHeight XMP-tiff:ImageHeight XMP-xmp:PageImageHeight |
extract.OS:Author |
AIFF:Author ASF:Author FlashPix:Author IFD0:XPAuthor Microsoft:Author PDF:Author PNG:Author PostScript:Author QuickTime:Author XML:Author XMP-acdsee:Author XMP-pdf:Author XMP-PixelLive:Author XMP-xmp:Author |
extract.OS:CodePage | FlashPix:CodePage |
extract.OS:Creator |
File:Creator Flash:CreatedBy Microsoft:Creator PDF:Creator PostScript:Creator XMP-dc:Creator XMP-pdf:Creator |
extract.OS:Description |
ASF:Description File:Image*Description IFD0:ImageDescription Microsoft:Description PNG:Description QuickTime:Description Vorbis:Description XMP-dc:Description XMP-tiff:ImageDescription XMP-xmp:Description |
extract.OS:FileSize |
ASF:FileSize Microsoft:FileSize System:FileSize |
extract.OS:FileType |
File:FileType ID3:FileType Microsoft:FileType |
extract.OS:MimeType | File:MIMEType |
extract.OS:ColorType | PNG:ColorType |
extract.OS:Artist |
ASF:AlbumArtist ID3:Artist IFD0:Artist Microsoft:Artist PNG:Artist QuickTime:Artist Vorbis:Artist XMP-tiff:Artist XMP-tiff:Artist |
extract.OS:BitsPerSample |
File:BitsPerSample IFD0:BitsPerSample XMP-tiff:BitsPerSample |
extract.OS:Compression |
BMP:Compression File:Compression IFD0:Compression PNG:Compression QuickTime:Compression XMP-tiff:Compression XMP-tiff:Compression |
extract.OS:PhotometricInterpretation |
IFD0:PhotometricInterpretation XMP-tiff:PhotometricInterpretation XMP-tiff:PhotometricInterpretation |
extract.OS:Orientation |
File:Orientation FlashPix:SpatialOrientation IFD0:Orientation IPTC:ImageOrientation Microsoft:Orientation XMP-tiff:Orientation XMP-tiff:Orientation |
extract.OS:Copyright |
AIFF:Copyright ASF:Copyright File:Copyright FlashPix:Copyright ID3:Copyright IFD0:Copyright Microsoft:Copyright Photoshop:CopyrightFlag PNG:Copyright PostScript:Copyright QuickTime:Copyright Vorbis:Copyright XML:Copyright XMP-pdf:Copyright XMP-PixelLive:Copyright XMP-tiff:Copyright XMP-tiff:Copyright |
extract.OS:CameraLabel | IFD0:CameraLabel |
extract.OS:GPSVersionID |
GPS:GPSVersionID XMP-exif:GPSVersionID |
extract.OS:GPSLatitudeRef | GPS:GPSLatitudeRef |
extract.OS:GPSLatitude |
GPS:GPSLatitude XML:GPSLatitude XMP-exif:GPSLatitude |
extract.OS:GPSLongitudeRef | GPS:GPSLongitudeRef |
extract.OS:GPSAltitudeRef |
GPS:GPSAltitudeRef XMP-exif:GPSAltitudeRef |
extract.OS:GPSAltitude |
GPS:GPSAltitude XMP-exif:GPSAltitude |
extract.OS:GPSTimeStamp | GPS:GPSTimeStamp |
extract.OS:GPSSatellites |
GPS:GPSSatellites XMP-exif:GPSSatellites |
extract.OS:GPSStatus |
GPS:GPSStatus XMP-exif:GPSStatus |
extract.OS:GPSMeasureMode | GPS:GPSMeasureMode |
extract.OS:GPSDOP |
extract.OS:GPSSpeedRef |
GPS:GPSSpeedRef XMP-exif:GPSSpeedRef |
extract.OS:GPSSpeed |
GPS:GPSSpeed XMP-exif:GPSSpeed |
extract.OS:GPSTrackRef |
GPS:GPSTrackRef XMP-exif:GPSTrackRef |
extract.OS:GPSTrack |
GPS:GPSTrack XMP-exif:GPSTrack |
extract.OS:GPSImgDirectionRef |
GPS:GPSImgDirectionRef XMP-exif:GPSImgDirectionRef |
extract.OS:GPSImgDirection |
GPS:GPSImgDirection XMP-exif:GPSImgDirection |
extract.OS:GPSMapDatum |
GPS:GPSMapDatum XML:GPSMapDatum XMP-exif:GPSMapDatum |
extract.OS:GPSDestLatitudeRef | GPS:GPSDestLatitudeRef |
extract.OS:GPSDestLatitude |
GPS:GPSDestLatitude XMP-exif:GPSDestLatitude |
extract.OS:GPSDestLongitudeRef | GPS:GPSDestLongitudeRef |
extract.OS:GPSDestLongitude |
GPS:GPSDestLongitude XMP-exif:GPSDestLongitude |
extract.OS:GPSDestBearingRef |
GPS:GPSDestBearingRef XMP-exif:GPSDestBearingRef |
extract.OS:GPSDestBearing |
GPS:GPSDestBearing XMP-exif:GPSDestBearing |
extract.OS:GPSDestDistance |
GPS:GPSDestDistance XMP-exif:GPSDestDistance |
extract.OS:GPSProcessingMethod |
GPS:GPSProcessingMethod XMP-exif:GPSProcessingMethod |
extract.OS:GPSArealInformation |
GPS:GPSArealInformation XMP-exif:GPSArealInformation |
extract.OS:GPSDateStamp | GPS:GPSDateStamp |
extract.OS:GPSDifferential |
GPS:GPSDifferential XMP-exif:GPSDifferential |
extract.OS:GPSHPositioningError |
GPS:GPSHPositioningError XMP-exif:GPSHPositioningError |
extract.OS:GPSDestDistanceRef |
GPS:GPSDestDistanceRef XMP-exif:GPSDestDistanceRef |
extract.OS:GPSLongitude |
GPS:GPSLongitude XML:GPSLongitude XMP-exif:GPSLongitude |
extract.OS:GPSDateTime |
ASF:Genre ID3:Genre Microsoft:Genre QuickTime:Genre Vorbis:Genre XMP-PixelLive:Genre |
extract.OS:FrameRate |
ASF:VideoFrameRate Flash:FrameRate H264:VideoFrameRate IFD0:FrameRate Matroska:FrameRate Microsoft:FrameRate MPEG:FrameRate QuickTime:VideoFrameRate Theora:FrameRate |
extract.OS:AudioFormat |
Microsoft:AudioFormat QuickTime:AudioFormat |
extract.OS:Bitrate | Microsoft:Bitrate |
extract.OS:AudioBitrate |
Flash:AudioBitrate Microsoft:AudioBitrate |
extract.OS:Duration |
ASF:Duration Flash:Duration ID3:Duration Matroska:Duration Microsoft:Duration QuickTime:Duration |
extract.OS:VideoCompression | Microsoft:VideoCompression |
extract.OS:AspectRatio |
MPEG:AspectRatio Photoshop:PixelAspectRatio Theora:PixelAspectRatio |
extract.OS:AudioLayer | MPEG:AudioLayer |
extract.OS:SampleRate |
AIFF:SampleRate MPEG:SampleRate Vorbis:SampleRate |
extract.OS:VidioBitrate |
Flash:VideoBitrate MPEG:VidioBitrate Theora:NominalVideoBitrate |
extract.OS:VideoEncoding | Flash:VideoEncoding |
extract.OS:AudioSampleRate |
ASF:AudioSampleRate Flash:AudioSampleRate QuickTime:AudioSampleRate |
extract.OS:AudioEncoding |
ASF:AudioCodecName Flash:AudioEncoding |
extract.OS:Album |
ASF:AlbumTitle ID3:Album QuickTime:Album Vorbis:Album |
extract.OS:Track |
ASF:Track ID3:Track Matroska:TrackNumber QuickTime:Track Vorbis:TrackNumber |
yuuvis® RAD extraction-service can extract the data from e-invoices.
It uses a preconfigured mapping of XML paths to aliases.
This mapping can be viewed via the Swagger UI. Endpoint: GET /extraction/api/info/mapping
The aliases are shown with data type and assigned path.
Example: FERD:Document.IssueDateTime[Date] = {/CrossIndustryDocument/ExchangedDocument/DateTimeString}
Several paths for different e-invoice formats can be assigned to an alias.
The response can be saved.
If a path is found during the extraction of an e-invoice, the corresponding value is assigned to the alias.
The test file extraction shows the assignments.
Example: "FERD:Document.IssueDateTime": "2024-08-06T00:00:00+02:00"
Mapping configuration
The preconfigured mapping can be extended:
Create the mappings directory in the data directory of yuuvis® RAD service-manager.
Create a text file with the name invoicemapping.lst there.
Enter the alias and path assignments there.
The syntax must correspond to that of the response. You can freely choose the name for the alias. If no data type is specified, it is assumed that the data type is 'String'. Data types: String, Double, Integer, Sequence, Boolean, Date.
The mapping of the invoicemapping.lst file has priority over the preconfigured mapping. -
Test the extraction.
The name of the text file used for the mapping can be changed via the <service-manager>\config\extraction-prod.yml configuration file:
invoicemappings: 'c:/mappings/custom_invoicemapping.lst'
E-invoices with tables
Invoice data can have a row-by-row table structure. This data can be transferred line by line to a table in yuuvis® RAD. The aliases will be assigned to the columns.
This is preconfigured for aliases whose designation begins with FERD.LineItem.
Example: FERD:LineItem.Name[String] = {/Invoice/InvoiceLine[#]/Item/Name}
In the extracted data, these aliases are marked with the line number in square brackets.
The alias is specified in yuuvis® RAD designer without a data type: FERD:LineItem.Name
The file name can be imported via the dms.Path alias, independent of the yuuvis® RAD extraction-service.