Organizational Structure: Users and Groups

yuuvis® RAD 10.x »

You can set up the organizational structure in yuuvis® RAD in a way that accurately reflect the organizational and staff structure of your company. The organizational structure in yuuvis® RAD consists of groups and users. The groups consist of departments, teams, and work/task areas and are usually related to each another. Users can also be included in multiple groups and groups can be included in other groups.

Users are assigned the following roles:

  • roles that are assigned to them directly as users,
  • roles that are assigned to groups of which they are members,
  • roles that are assigned to groups, which in turn are assigned to groups of which they are members.

Security System: Roles and Rights

Rights management in yuuvis® RAD is role-based. User rights for access to data, functions, and applications are grouped into roles. The roles are assigned to groups and users. Roles and rights are part of the yuuvis® RAD security system.

Roles are set up via yuuvis® RAD designer and assigned to users and groups via yuuvis® RAD management-studio.

Roles with the appropriate functional rights are required to manage the organizational structure.


Changes to the schema, security system, and user logins are logged in the \logs\core-service-security.log file in the yuuvis® RAD core-service installation directory.

Security logs must be enabled: Main menu > System > Settings > Core service > Global > Server > Enable security logs.