Installing yuuvis® RAD rendition-plus

yuuvis® RAD 10.x »

The yuuvis® RAD rendition-plus service consists of a conversion component that generates PDF files from documents for preview and dispatch and the rendition cache that centrally manages these files.

yuuvis® RAD rendition-plus is integrated in yuuvis® RAD via the 'renditionsidecar' microservice.

Ensure that the System Requirements are fulfilled before installation.

To install yuuvis® RAD rendition-plus, follow these steps:

  1. Copy the \yuuvis_rad_rendition-plus\ installation directory to the file system of the computer on which you want to install yuuvis® RAD rendition-plus.

  2. Launch yuuvis_rad_rendition-plus_setup-<Version>.exe from the installation directory.
  3. The installation wizard will start. Follow the steps described by the installation wizard.

  4. Specify the following parameters:

  5. Technical service name/

    service display name

    Technical service name and service display name for service control
    HTTP port Port of yuuvis® RAD rendition-plus. Default: 8090
    Working directories

    Working directories for yuuvis® RAD rendition-plus.

    After installation, the working directories can be modified via the configuration file.

    'renditionsidecar' microservice

    IP address and port of the 'renditionsidecar' microservice.

  6. Change the service parameters before you start the service:

      Run yuuvis_rad_rendition-plusw.exe from the \bin\ directory.

      Service parameters:

      Log On > Account

      Account for login to the service

      yuuvis® RAD rendition-plus requires an administrative account.

      Logging > Level Optional: Logging level for service logging
      Logging > Path Optional: Path for service logs
      Logging > Stdout Optional: Redirect the standard output to a file
      Logging > Stderror Optional: Redirect the standard error output to a file
      Java > Java options

      Optional: Modify Tomcat data directories.

  7. Create directories

    Create the following directories on the installation computer:

    • C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\Desktop\
    • C:\Windows\SysWOW64\config\systemprofile\Desktop\
  8. Move directory for temporary Internet files

    On the installation computer, move the directory for temporary Internet files to a generally accessible directory:

    Control Panel > Internet Options > General > Settings > Move folder

  9. Integrate the OCR component:

    Activate the OCR component via the configuration file located in the \webapps\osrenditioncache\WEB-INF\classes\config\ directory:


    Value to deactivate the OCR component: ocr-engine=disabled

    In general, the finereader parameter integrates an OCR component (ABBYY FineReader or Tesseract).

  10. Configure file types for the OCR engine:

    The applicationContext-controller.xml file located in the \webapps\osrenditioncache\WEB-INF\spring\ directory can be used to configure the file types that are processed by the OCR engine.

      <bean id="ocrSelectionPredicate"
        <property name="contentTypes">
            <!-- <value>image/*</value> -->
  11. Other optional changes:

    • Change working directories
    • The working directories for the rendition cache can be modified via the configuration file in the \webapps\osrenditioncache\WEB-INF\classes\config\ directory.

      The temp directory for rendition creation can be adjusted via the configuration file in the \webapps\renditionplus\WEB-INF\classes\config\ directory.

    • Cache size
    • The size of the rendition cache can be adjusted via the configuration file in the \webapps\osrenditioncache\WEB-INF\classes\config\ directory. Parameter: cache.maxSize.

    • Video preview
    • Use the video2pdf.xml configuration file from the \renditionplus\bin\converter\ directory to disable the creation of a PDF preview from videos or set the number of images.

      • Deactivate: <skip value="true" />

      • Number of images: <argument value="1" />

    • Logging
    • Logging for the rendition cache can be modified via the configuration file from the \webapps\osrenditioncache\WEB-INF\classes\ directory.

      Logging for rendition creation can be modified via the configuration file from the \webapps\renditionplus\WEB-INF\classes\ directory.

    • 'renditionsidecar' microservice
    • Change the connection parameters of the 'renditionsidecar' microservice for yuuvis® RAD rendition-plus via SAM, if necessary:

      sam.bat --yuuvis.rendition.server <server>:<port>

  12. Start the yuuvis® RAD rendition-plus service.

Uninstalling yuuvis® RAD rendition-plus

When you install yuuvis® RAD rendition-plus, an uninstallation program is created in the installation directory that uninstalls yuuvis® RAD rendition-plus.


For information on updating components, see Release Information.