Release Warnings Regarding enaio®: Apache Tomcat 8.5.x

This information is updated periodically as soon as our analyses deliver new findings. Please check back periodically.

End of support for Apache Tomcat 8.5.x

The Apache Tomcat development team has announced that support for Apache Tomcat 8.5.x will end on March 31, 2024. This means that further releases by the Apache Software Foundation from the Tomcat 8.5.x branch are highly unlikely after March 31, 2024.

Bugs that only affect the Tomcat 8.5.x branch will then not be fixed by the Apache Software Foundation and reports of security vulnerabilities will not be synchronized with the Tomcat 8.5.x branch. In addition, three months later, approximately June 30, 2024, the Tomcat 8.5.x branch will be set read-only by the Apache Software Foundation.

enaio® versions

  • enaio® version 11.0

    The current enaio® version 11.0 is not affected by this and already has the latest Apache Tomcat versions.

  • enaio® version 10.10

    The enaio® version 10.10 will have the latest Apache Tomcat versions by March 2024, for which we can provide corresponding hotfixes.

  • enaio® version 10.0 and older

    Older enaio® versions use Apache Tomcat version 8.5 or older. From March 31, 2024, these versions may be potentially vulnerable to future security risks. We will no longer be able to provide patches for these versions.

We therefore recommend that you start planning an update to enaio® version 11.0 to ensure that your productive systems are properly backed up. Please get in touch with your contact at OPTIMAL SYSTEMS or your OPTIMAL SYSTEMS partner company.