Documents Without Pages
Documents without pages consist only of the index data. In enaio®, the administrator can configure document types without pages in order to manage information in the archive.
You can also use any document type to create documents without pages. At a later time, you or other users can add pages to them.
Documents without pages which have been configured by the administrator can be created just like you would any other document. After indexing, the document will be saved immediately. Pages cannot be added to these documents.
To create documents without pages for a given document type, press and hold Ctrl and Shift while selecting a document type. The index data form will open. The keyboard shortcut Ctrl+N will open the index data form of the most recently used document type.
After indexing, the document will be saved immediately without opening a module.
Documents without pages are not flagged with an archiving icon, but instead with a Document without pages icon. If they have been configured by the administrator, they will be assigned their own
Document without pages icon.
Documents without pages can also be searched via their basic parameters (see Searching via the Basic Parameters).