colab: dms: username: COLAB_TECH # coLab technical user. Overwrites enaio technical user ROOT. password: COLAB_TECH_PASS # coLab technical user password. enaio: admin-user-group: COLAB_ADMIN # Users in this group have admin role in coLab. Default is COLAB_ADMIN. colab-user-group: COLAB_USER # If enabled, members of this group can log in to coLab. Default is COLAB_USER. mark-objects-interval: 300000 # Time interval (in ms) for sending shared object info from coLab to enaio server. upload-type-service-start-time: "0 1 1 * * ?" # Cron expression for fetching upload types after project room creation. global: service: baseUrl: http://localhost/colab # Public base URL used for OAuth2 redirection. language: en # Default global language. o365-enabled: true # Enable/disable O365 integration. Default is true. Requires OFFICE365 and DASHLET365 services. epr: smtp: host: localhost # SMTP server address. port: 26 # SMTP server port. tls: false # Enable transport layer security. auth: username: something # Username for SMTP authentication. password: something # Password for SMTP authentication. enable: false # Whether to enable SMTP authentication. from: address: enaio-colab@localhost # "From" address used in email communications. name: enaio coLab # Name displayed as the sender of the email. postgres: uri: //10.1.4247:5432/colab # Postgres database URI. username: colab # Postgres DB username. password: 1234 # Postgres DB password. file-repository: store: fs # File store type. 'fs' stands for filesystem. file-system-dir: C:\colab-files-repo # Directory for temporary file uploads/downloads. spring: servlet: multipart: max-request-size: 522MB # Maximum size allowed for a request. max-file-size: 512MB # Maximum file size inside a request (must be 10MB smaller than max-request-size). liquibase: contexts: legacy # Enables Liquibase db migration tool for clean new installations; triggers DB schema creation. security: oauth2: client: registration: google: clientId: # Google app client ID from Developers Console. clientSecret: # Google app client secret. redirect-uri: ${global.service.baseUrl}/epr/login/google # Redirect URL for Google OAuth login. scope: openid, email, profile # Google OAuth scopes. linkedin: clientId: # LinkedIn app client ID. clientSecret: # LinkedIn app client secret. redirect-uri: ${global.service.baseUrl}/epr/login/linkedin # Redirect URL for LinkedIn OAuth login. scope: r_liteprofile, r_emailaddress # LinkedIn OAuth scopes. client-authentication-method: post # Method of client authentication (POST). authorization-grant-type: authorization_code # OAuth 2 grant type. microsoft: client-id: # Microsoft app client ID. client-secret: # Microsoft app client secret. provider: microsoft # OAuth provider. redirect-uri: ${global.service.baseUrl}/epr/login/microsoft # Redirect URL for Microsoft OAuth login. scope: openid, profile, email, # Microsoft OAuth scopes. authorization-grant-type: authorization_code # OAuth 2 grant type. keycloak: clientId: # Keycloak client ID. clientSecret: # Keycloak client secret. provider: keycloak # OAuth provider. redirect-uri: ${global.service.baseUrl}/epr/login/keycloak # Redirect URL for Keycloak OAuth login. scope: openid, profile, email # Keycloak OAuth scopes. authorization-grant-type: authorization_code # OAuth 2 grant type. title: # Title for Keycloak login option. provider: microsoft: authorization-uri: # Microsoft authorization endpoint. token-uri: # Microsoft token endpoint. user-info-uri: # Microsoft user info endpoint. jwk-set-uri: # Microsoft JWK (JSON Web Key) URI. user-name-attribute: id # Attribute for user's unique identifier in Microsoft. linkedin: authorization-uri: # LinkedIn authorization endpoint. token-uri: # LinkedIn token endpoint. user-info-uri: # LinkedIn user info endpoint. user-name-attribute: id # Attribute for user's unique identifier in LinkedIn. keycloak: authorization-uri: http:///auth/realms//protocol/openid-connect/auth # Keycloak authorization endpoint. token-uri: http:///auth/realms//protocol/openid-connect/token # Keycloak token endpoint. user-info-uri: http:///auth/realms//protocol/openid-connect/userinfo # Keycloak user info endpoint. jwk-set-uri: http:///auth/realms//protocol/openid-connect/certs # Keycloak JWK URI. user-name-attribute: sub # Attribute for user's unique identifier in Keycloak.