Microsoft Teams Services

enaio® 11.10 »

The 'msteams-client' and 'msteams-actions' services enable you to integrate in Microsoft Teams and transfer documents from Microsoft Teams to the user repository of enaio® client.

enaio® users can create enaio® documents in Microsoft Teams, thus giving Microsoft Teams users access to enaio® documents and their index data. Microsoft Teams users can edit and upload documents again if the enaio® user enabled this when they created the document.

enaio® users create a temporary token for a document in enaio®, paste it into the enaio® app for Microsoft Teams, and specify whether editing is permitted. The enaio® app for Microsoft Teams then shows the document and index data.

If a document is edited, the e-mail address of the Microsoft Teams user will be shown in the document history.

If Office 365 is installed and enabled, then documents can be edited there.

Configuration of the Services

Microsoft Teams Services are installed using enaio® service-manager. The following configurations are required if enaio® gateway and enaio® service-manager are installed on different servers.


The msteamsactions-prod.yml configuration file located in the \service-manager\config\ directory must be extended:

    osrenditioncache: "http://<gateway>"
    osrest: "http://<gateway>"
    msteamsactions: "http://<msteams-actions-IP>:7112/"

The address of enaio® gateway and enaio® service-manager with the Microsoft Teams Services must be specified according to your installation. The default port of the 'msteams-actions' service is 7112.

enaio® gateway: application-prod.yml

The application-prod.yml file located in the \services\OS_Gateway\apps\os_gateway\config directory is also modified:

  - endpoint:
    name: msteamsactions
    url: 'http://<msteams-actions-IP>:7112'

The address of enaio® service-manager with the Microsoft Teams Services must be specified according to your installation. The default port of the 'msteams-actions' service is 7112.

CORS Access

The configuration of enaio® gateway must also modified:

  • Add the following entry to the application-prod.yml file located in the \services\OS_Gateway\apps\os_gateway\config\ directory:

    cors.enabled: true
    cors.allowed.headers: "x-enaio-data"
  • Add the following entry to the msteamsactions-prod.yml file located in the \service-manager\config\ directory:
  • security: 
          enabled: true                    

Restrictions for CORS access

If CORS access is not to be enabled in the application-prod.yml file of enaio® gateway using cors.enabled: true in general, then the following can be added to the msteamsactions-prod.yml file of enaio® service-manager:

      enabled: false
    origins: ""

Configuring the Integration

The enaio® app for Microsoft Teams is a component of the \Backend\Service-Manager installation directory. It is available via the Microsoft Teams Admin Center. Users can then integrate it into Microsoft Teams as a tab.

The enaio® URL – the enaio® gateway address – and the enaio® webclient URL – default: <gateway/osweb> – are specified when installing the enaio® app for Microsoft Teams.

Please contact OPTIMAL SYSTEMS Support if addresses have been changed or entered incorrectly.

Installing the Microsoft Teams Services adds the 'Share in Microsoft Teams' function to the context menu of documents in enaio® client. This function generates a temporary token for the document, which is pasted into the enaio® app for Microsoft Teams and opens the document.

Add a function call in the context menu for enaio® webclient and enaio® webclient as a desktop application using the tools.json file. Add the function itself to a webclient event using enaio® editor-for-events.

Validity of the Token

The token is valid for 60 seconds by default. It can no longer be pasted after this. You can change this time period via the msteamsactions-prod.yml configuration file located in the \service-manager\config\ directory using the following entry:

    sec: 60

Office 365

If Office 365 is integrated into enaio®, then the integration for editing Office documents can be enabled.

Add the following to the msteamsactions-prod.yml configuration file located in the \service-manager\config\ directory:

    enabled: true

The application-prod.yml file located in the \services\OS_Gateway\apps\os_gateway\config directory is also modified:

  - endpoint:
    name: msteamsactions
    url: 'http://<msteams-actions-IP>:7112'
  - endpoint:
    name: office365
    url: 'http://<office365-IP>:8099'
  - endpoint:
    name: dashlet365
    url: 'http://<dashlet365-IP>:8091'

The address of enaio® service-manager with the services must be specified according to your installation.

Microsoft Teams Admin Center

You can integrate the enaio® app into Microsoft Teams via the Microsoft Teams Admin Center.

  1. Accessing the Microsoft Teams Admin Center

    • Sign in to the Microsoft 365 Admin Center with your login data:

    • Navigate to the Microsoft Teams Admin Center in the left navigation area via Teams.

  2. Uploading the enaio® app for Microsoft Teams

    • Navigate to Teams apps > Manage apps in the Microsoft Teams Admin Center.

    • Click Upload on the toolbar and download the file

    • Check and approve the enaio® app.

    • Navigate to Teams apps > Manage apps > enaio app > Review permission > Accept.

      This step enables the enaio® app to retrieve data from Microsoft Teams.

    • Approve the enaio® app by clicking Publish. This enables users within your organization to use the enaio® app.

  3. Granting permissions for custom apps

    • Navigate to Teams apps > Permission policies.

      You can create a new policy or modify an existing one.

    • Select the appropriate permission under Custom apps:

      • Allow all apps for general access

      • Allow specific apps and block all others to allow only selected apps

      • Make sure that the enaio® app is included in the list of permitted apps.

    • Select Assign and choose the appropriate users to assign the policy to specific users or groups within your organization.

  4. Optionally, you can configure the policies when setting up the app

    • Navigate to Teams apps > Setup policies.

      You can create a new policy or modify an existing one.

    • Under Pinned apps, add the custom app if you want it to be preinstalled or pinned for users.

    • Assign the policy to users or groups within your organization.

  5. Checking the installation

    • Open Microsoft Teams and check whether users can access the enaio® app according to the defined policies.

    • Check whether the enaio® app is working as expected.

  6. Monitoring and managing the enaio® app

    • Make sure you regularly check the Microsoft Teams Admin Center for updates, usage reports or problems with the enaio® app.

    • If there are any updates available, you can upload a new version of the enaio® app.

      • Navigate to Teams apps > Manage apps > enaio app > Review permission > Accept.

        This step enables the enaio® app to retrieve data from Microsoft Teams.

    • Navigate to Manage apps and select Delete to remove the enaio® app.