Full-Text Search Syntax
Auto-complete helps you to input search terms in the full-text search field (see Full-text Search). Once you have entered three characters, existing terms that begin with these characters are displayed and can be adopted.
The following search options are available when carrying out full-text searches:

Search terms may contain numerical and alphabetical characters, including German umlauts.
Search terms are not case-sensitive. Search terms are normalized, i.e., umlauts are converted (e.g., ä → ae). The system always searches for the basic form and for parts of terms.
A search for 'dreaming' also returns 'dream', 'dreamt', and 'dreamcatcher' as hits.
Searching for the root word will not however return other words derived from it: If 'sleep' is entered, 'sleeping' is returned in the search results, but 'slept' is not.

When carrying out a full-text search for a date that is part of the index data, the date must be entered in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY

Search terms can be combined with the following placeholders:
- ? stands for exactly one arbitrary character.
- * stands for any number of arbitrary characters.
Placeholders can be used at the start, at the end, and within a search term, and it is also possible to combine them. Searches with placeholders at the start take a lot longer to complete.
Text fields can be configured in enaio® client to automatically append the placeholder *. This setting does not apply to full-text searches in enaio® webclient.

Multiple search terms are linked using the logical OR if they are separated by the Boolean operator 'OR'. There must be at least one space before and after the operator. If search terms are not separated by an operator, these are implicitly combined using the logical OR operator.
Example: order editor smith
Documents in which at least one of the three words is found will be displayed.

Multiple search terms can be linked using the logical AND if they are separated either by the Boolean operator AND or the characters &&. There must be at least one space before and after the operator.
Example: order AND editor && smith
Documents in which all three words are found will be displayed.

The Boolean operator 'NOT' can be placed in front of a search term. In this case, documents that do not contain the term are displayed.
Example: editor AND NOT smith
Documents containing 'editor' but not 'smith' will be shown.

The system will search for the exact sequence of terms entered between quotation marks.
Example: "peter smith"
Documents where 'peter' immediately precedes 'smith' are displayed.
If quotation marks are not entered, all documents that contain 'peter' or 'smith' would be displayed.

A sequence of two search terms placed in quotation marks can be extended by defining the maximum number of words between search terms.
Example: "peter smith"~1
Documents containing 'peter john smith' will also be shown, while documents containing 'peter john mary smith' will not.

Search terms within a clause are searched for as follows: NEAR/S(peter project manager)
Multiple search terms can be specified and combined inside brackets. Here, AND is used to link if no entry has been made.

Use different operators to combine multiple search terms.
Example: carter AND smith OR miller
In the case of combinations like this, you should use parentheses to specify the logical sequence.
Example: carter AND (smith OR miller)
You can find further details about special Apache Lucene search functions on the following website: Apache Software Foundation .

The default search extends the search beyond the root word of search terms to include parts of terms. This can be disabled by specifying a search mode:
Setting | Description |
Search not extended to parts of terms. Example: MODE/B&dreaming 'Dream' is found, while 'dreamcatcher' is not. |
Exact search; not extended to parts of terms or beyond the root word of the term. Example: MODE/D&dreaming Neither 'dream' nor 'dreamcatcher' are returned, but 'dreaming' is. |
The mode is followed by an '&' as the separator before the search term. Multiple search terms follow the mode without an '&' in brackets.
Example: MODE/D(dream AND sleep)
For combinations of search terms, different modes can be specified for the search terms.
Example: MODE/D&dream AND MODE/B&sleep
Note that modes are written in capital letters.