Overview of all Filing Locations, Links, and References

enaio® webclient 11.0 »

Objects in enaio® (documents, registers, and folders) can have various location relationships to other objects. This means that documents, for example, can have multiple locations (see Documents with Multiple Locations and Reference Documents) or folders, registers, and documents can be linked with one another (see Internal Links). The Locations, links, and references feature allows you to view an overview of all location links for a selected object. This allows you to easily determine the context of an object.

Opening the Overview Display

You can open the Locations, links, and references overview display by opening the context menu of a selected object and clicking or tapping on the Overview menu 'Locations, links, and references' icon Locations, links, and references feature in that menu.

Overview Display Contents

The overview display will show the following location relationships in a mixed hit list, depending on the type of the selected object (document, register, or folder).

Selected object How the feature is shown in the context menu How the location relationships are shown in the overview display


Feature only shown if there are links.



Links and its original location


Feature always shown.

Links, locations (folder or register) and reference documents

Only the original location of the selected object will be shown if it does not have any other locations, reference documents, or links.

Reference document

Links, locations (folder or register), reference documents, and the original document

The hit list in the overview display also has a static Link text column, which displays any existing link text for links.

The security settings of the enaio® system are taken into account when displaying location relationships. This may mean that not all locations, reference documents, or links are displayed.

Your administrator can configure the system such that link texts are filed on the hard drive. This means that link texts in enaio® webclient and in enaio® mobile cannot be called up, which is why the Link text static column is not shown either.

The following applies if you are using enaio® mobile on a smartphone:

On smartphones with a display size of under 420 pixels, the location relationships are shown in the overview display as a single-column list due to the limited screen space.

Editing Reference Documents

Like other hit lists, you can also group, filter, and sort the overview display. If you select an object in the hit list, the typical editing features of this object type will be available in the context menu.

The Edit link text icon Edit link text and Delete icon Delete link features are also available for links in addition to these features (see also Internal Links).

Your administrator can configure the system such that the function Edit link text icon Edit link text is not shown in enaio® webclient and in enaio® mobile.

For reference documents, you can use the Open location icon Open location feature to find the location of the source document, for example.

In the overview display, you can also access the overview displays of the listed location relationships and view their location relationships.