Creating View Filters

enaio® client 11.0 »

You can customize the history view by creating, editing, and deleting your own view filters in the Filter management dialog. Click the Filter icon Filter icon in the footer of the history window to open the Filter management dialog.

History of folders and registers – Filter management

View filters which have already been set up are listed in the filter management.

You can edit or delete the filters set up in the Filter management window. If you activate a filter in the filter management dialog, it will be automatically applied as the default filter every time a history window is opened. Another view filter can subsequently be set manually. If no default filter is enabled in the filter management window, manually configured filters in the history window will be reused the next time the window is opened.

The No filter and Only changes filters cannot be edited. The Only changes filter remains automatically preset if you do not set a different filter yourself.

If you want to edit the name of the filter, click the name to select it and then re-click on the selected name. You can then edit the name.

The history filter settings are saved for each user and are valid for the history of all object types.