Managing Folders and Registers

enaio® client 11.0 »

There are various functions available for managing folders and registers.

Moving Registers

You can move registers to a different location in enaio®. Registers can still be moved even if other users are editing the index data.

Your administrator can prohibit the moving of registers.

Within a folder, you can also move registers via the left navigation area of the folder window with the mouse button pressed down.

Copying Registers

You can copy registers to a different location in enaio®. If one of the index data fields is a key field (see Editing Index Data), the register cannot be copied.

Registers can only be copied to another location within the same cabinet. Add-ons are not run.

Select Create copy in a register context menu in the content area or in a hit list to create a new, empty register at the location of the original register. The index data form containing the data of the copied register will then open. You are allowed to edit the index data.

This function can be disabled by the administrator.

Deleting Folders and Registers

The folders and registers you delete are moved to the recycle bin. The data is retained until the object is deleted from the recycle bin. Data in the recycle bin are not included in queries. Objects can be restored from the recycle bin (see Recycle Bin).

To access the recycle bin, you will need the appropriate system role. Access rights and system roles are assigned by your administrator.

Documents in a folder will also be deleted. The confirmation dialog which appears prior to deletion refers to all selected folders. Registers and folders will not be deleted if you do not have the authorization to delete their content. Folders and registers can be deleted even if other users are editing the index data.