Editing the Index Data of Documents

enaio® client 11.0 »

To edit the index data, you will need the relevant rights. The rights are assigned by the administrator.

The administrator can specify that users are not allowed to edit the index data of documents or individual fields.

If another user changes the index data after you opened it, the corresponding message will be shown. You will need to reopen the index data if you want to make changes.

In the index data form of a document, only the index data on the first page is displayed in multi-fields. If other pages are indexed, a semicolon and three dots (;...) will follow the value. Click Catalog to edit the index data.

Functions in the Index Data Form

The footer of the index data form contains the following functions:

Icon Name Comment

Open index data form – Icon


The document will be opened for viewing.

Index data form – Edit content – Icon

Edit content

The document will be opened for editing.

Index data form – Open location – Icon

Open location

The location will open.

Print index data form – Icon

Print document

The index data form will be printed.

Tables in index data forms cannot be printed.

Index data form – Previous index data – Icon

Previous index data

The index data form of the previous object in the object list is displayed.

Index data form – Next index data – Icon

Next index data

The index data form of the next object in the object list is displayed.

Index data form Basic parameters icon

Basic parameters

Opens a tab with the basic parameters of the object in the index data form.

Changing Index Data of Multiple Documents Simultaneously

To make changes in batch mode, you will need the Client: Execute changes in batch mode system role.

You can change the index data of multiple documents of a single type simultaneously. If you mark the documents and open the index data, an empty index data form is shown. The index data will be displayed for fields that have identical indexing.

For batch changes, please note the following:

  • Fields that you do not edit will not be changed. If you enter a value into a field, the index data of all documents will be overwritten with this value.

  • If you enter values beginning with a + in the fields, the new values will be appended. Values with a leading & are placed before the existing index data. The index data will be deleted if you enter a -.

  • In fields of type 'Rights group control', values are always sorted when displayed. Thus, + and & have the same effect. Multiple values are separated by a semicolon.

  • Users must be specified using (U), and groups using (G). The values are ignored if there are no groups or users. Users and groups can also be removed.

    Example: -user(U); group(G)

  • When changing the index data of multiple documents at one time, mandatory fields, key fields, and read-only attributes will be ignored. Add-ons will also not be run.

  • You cannot index tables and multi-fields. It is also not possible to make changes in batch mode to objects in the filing tray.

Index Data Processing and enaio® coLab

To ensure document exchange in coLab project rooms, the index data fields of the corresponding object types are mapped (see enaio® coLab External link: icon). The configuration of the respective object type determines which index data fields are mapped. In other words, only a limited selection of the index data fields of a enaio® object type are displayed in the coLab project room. When editing index data, this special feature should be taken into account. Please contact your administrator if you have any questions.