Content Preview

enaio® client 11.0 »
enaio® client – Content preview  

Open the Content preview area via View ribbon tab > Preview > Content. You can also use the mouse to move the area outside the workspace, e.g., to position it on a second monitor.

Content previews are only shown to users who have the corresponding authorizations to the documents.

If you select a document in a hit list or in the inbox, the preview for that document will be shown. The preview is shown until a different object is selected.

The content preview is refreshed while you are browsing through hit lists, data sheets, and other lists, for example, the workflow file.

For documents with several variants, the content preview always displays the active variant. This is also the case if a selected reference document is linked to an inactive variant.

A placeholder page is displayed in the content preview immediately after starting enaio® client if no document is selected when you select an empty register or folder or a document without pages. The placeholder page can be configured by the administrator.

Refreshing the Content Preview

Please note that the content preview only shows a PDF conversion of the original document file and that a PDF cannot be created from every document. In these cases, a placeholder page is displayed in the content preview.

If no preview is available for a selected document in an object list, then the user can manually trigger the generation of the preview themselves by clicking the Refresh view – icon 'Reload document' icon.

Functions Available in the Content Preview

Preview Annotations

Users require the matching system roles to display, edit, and export documents. Access rights and system roles are assigned by your administrator.

Users can add annotations in the form of a text at any place in the content preview. Annotations can be created, edited, moved, or deleted. When minimized, annotations are shown as speech bubbles. They can also be completely hidden. The last editor is shown in the tooltip for a Content preview Annotation - icon Annotation, along with the date. This data is also written to the history.

Annotations are placed on one side, but are not linked with the text. If the text is edited, the position of the annotations does not change. As a result, the content and annotations may no longer match up and comments may need to be repositioned.

The content preview, including annotations, can be exported in PDF format.

Select the annotation functions by clicking the Content preview Annotation - icon Annotation icon. The following annotation functions are available:

Icon Comment
Content preview – Add text – Icon

Add text

Click the location where you want to insert the annotation and enter the text on the note. The annotation is immediately saved. The annotation can be minimized and deleted by selecting the matching entries in the title bar.

Content preview – Hide annotations – Icon

Hide annotations

Annotations are hidden for the active document.

Content preview – Export annotations – Icon


The annotated document will be exported as a PDF.