Details Preview

enaio® client 11.0 »
enaio® client – Details preview  

Open the details preview from the View ribbon tab > Preview > Details. You can also use the mouse to move the area outside the workspace, e.g., to position it on a second monitor.

When you mark a document, register, or folder in a hit list or inbox, the following object details will be shown in the details preview: index data, associated workflows, history, and text notes. You can also display the basic parameter properties for the index data. If the index data contains tables, this data is shown in a separate section. These details are displayed until a different object is selected. The individual sections can be expanded and collapsed. Empty fields are not displayed. The contents can be copied to the clipboard by pressing Ctrl+C.

If the index data in the details preview contain e-mail addresses or links to websites, these can be opened in the default e-mail application or browser with just one click.

The following data is displayed:

Icon Comment

Details preview – Index data – Icon

Index data

Details preview - workflows - icon


In the case of objects that are also in a workflow file, the workflow data is also shown.

Details preview - history - icon


The history lists which actions have been carried out with the object.

You can switch between a limited view and a view of all entries via the header.

The restricted view only shows the most important actions, such as changes to content and index data. The user in question in each case is also shown.

Details preview - notes - icon


If notes have been added to objects, they are shown here with the date and creator. You can add a note and edit or delete existing notes.

Details preview - follow-ups - icon


If you have set up follow-ups for objects, the follow-up data will be displayed here. You can also see here if other users have set up follow-ups for you for the object.

The buttons for workflows, notes, and follow-ups are numbered, in which case the number indicates the number of files.

A placeholder page is shown in the details preview once enaio® client has started, if no document is selected. The placeholder page can be configured by the administrator.