Statistics Reports

enaio® 11.0 »

You can create configurations for reports in the Statistics area. Depending on the configuration, you can use reports to document the state of a process in detail or the state of all processes in overview at a specified point in time.

A report can be configured, created, and opened via the Statistics area based on a detail or overview configuration.

Reports are generated as XML files. This XML data can be read by external evaluation tools.

Report Configurations

Reports can be created based on a report configuration. You create configurations via the Statistics area.

You can create overview or detail configurations. A detail configuration allows you to create reports for insight into all activities of a process, whereas an overview configuration reports for an overview of several running processes.

Process Overview Configuration

For the overview configuration, specify a Name, specify whether the processes of all Families or only individual families are included, and specify the Level of detail: Overview, Itemized list of each family, or Itemized list of each family and activity.

To do so, you can switch on/off the inclusion of individual data in detail (true/false).

Process Detail Configuration

For the detail configuration, specify a Name, specify whether the processes of all Families or only individual families are included, and specify the Level of detail: Processes or Processes and activities.

To do so, you can switch on/off the inclusion of individual data in detail (true/false).

You specify in the Data fields area the variables whose value should also be output.

The variable ID can be found in the model overview in enaio® editor-for-workflow.

Creating Reports

Reports can be created based on a report configuration.

Mark the required report configuration and choose Create new report from the context menu above the report area.

Enter a Name and the Execution time for the report.

The 'Workflow-SpoolerJob' periodic job defines the rhythm in which the system searches for existing report requests. You configure this job via enaio® enterprise-manager. An interval of 6000 ms, or one minute, is preset by default.

Viewing Reports

Select the required report configuration and choose Show report from the context menu above the report area.

Reports can also be displayed in the browser or exported as a ZIP archive. The ZIP archive contains HTML files.

Unlike the browser, the integrated display component does not display integrated SVG graphics.