Model Explorer

enaio® 11.0 »

Use the model explorer to define workflow projects/families and family models. Double-click the model explorer to launch it from the workspace.

Workflow projects, families, and models that have been created are listed here. It is possible to change the status of each model:


The model's processes can be launched in enaio® client. The model can only be edited if all running processes are finished or canceled in enaio® administrator-for-workflow.

Only one model can be active. Active models can have the 'in use' status.

in use

No new model processes can be started. The model can only be edited if all running processes are finished or canceled in enaio® administrator-for-workflow.

available for editing

The model can be edited or activated by any authorized user. The model has no running processes.

locked for editing by ...

The model is locked. It can only be edited, made accessible, or activated by the specified user. The model has no running processes.


The model has been deleted.

New models of a family are created in the context menu or using the New Model button.

Enter its name; it is then locked for other users and flagged as such in the model explorer.

You can also use the context menu to create copies of existing models.

Deleted models are transferred to the Deleted models area. The models will be flagged with the respective icon. Data have still not been deleted from the database. You can restore the model or delete it permanently.

Description of the buttons found in the menu bar of the model explorer:

Up by one level

By clicking this button, you can go up one level in the hierarchy of the model explorer.

New workflow project

Create a new workflow project in the model explorer.

New workflow family

Create a new workflow family within a workflow project.

New workflow model

Create a new workflow model within a workflow family.


A workflow model can be edited.


You can delete a workflow model.


Deleted workflow models can be restored.

Edit events

Edit an event of a workflow model.


Validate a workflow model.


Activate the selected workflow model.


Deactivate the selected workflow model.


Release the selected workflow model.


Lock the selected workflow model for editing.