Installing the Back-End

enaio® coLab 11.0 »

The enaio® coLab back-end API has been programmed as a Spring Boot application.


Copy all resources from the service portal to a local directory (<colab-localfolder>) before you set up the backend.

Next, use SAM tools to install enaio® coLab.


Customize the application properties in the configuration file:


The following describes how to modify different sections of the configuration file.

Validate the .yml file using a tool of your choice after you have completed the configuration. The app cannot be started if the .yml file is invalid.
Sensitive data in the configuration file can be encrypted.


All enaio® users have access to enaio® coLab by default.

You can restrict access to all enaio® users in a group. The group does not need any other properties.

Add the following entry to the colab-prod.yml file located in the <enaio_installation>\service-manager\config\ directory, specifying the group name:
colab-user-group: groupname


Set up the 'COLAB_ADMIN' group in the user administration of enaio®. The group does not need any other properties.

Members of this group will be shown all existing project rooms after they have logged in. Detailed information about each project room can be called up. Project rooms, including those of project room owners, can also be managed and deleted.

You can give another group this function via an entry in the application-blue.yml file located in the <enaio_installation>\service-manager\config\ directory:

enaio.admin-user-group: NEW-GROUP_NAME

Login for External Users

You can configure the login settings for external users in enaio® coLab in the colab-prod.yml file. Users can log in using their Google, LinkedIn, or Microsoft accounts, or using Keycloak as the authentication instance.

Integrating an Antivirus Scanner

In enaio® coLab, an antivirus scanner that checks documents that users want to insert can be integrated via webhook. If applicable, users will be notified correspondingly.

The update pages contain a description on its integration.

Update information can be found on the release pages.

Encryption of Configuration Values

The configuration values of the colab-prod.yml file in the \config\ directory of enaio® service-manager can be encrypted:

  • Open the command prompt as the administrator and change to the \service-manager\tools\encryption\ directory.

  • Run the following command: encode.bat "value" -W.

    The encrypted value is displayed in round brackets with 'ENC' before it: ENC(encryptedvalue).

  • Copy the encrypted value with the leading 'ENC' and with the round brackets and enter it into the configuration file.

  • Save the configuration and restart the service, if necessary.

If the value to be encrypted contains quotation marks or ends with a backslash, these characters must be preceded by the backslash.
Example: encode.bat "passwordwith\"quotation\"marks" -W