Processing Metrics

enaio® mail-archive-service 11.0 »


The services provide metrics that can be used to retrieve statistical information about the system.

The information is optimized to work with Prometheus but can also be accessed and integrated elsewhere.

Metrics can be accessed via the following service addresses: https://<ip>:<port>/manage/metrics

Details of individual metrics can also be accessed.

Example: https://<ip>:<port>/manage/metrics/enaio_store_time

Service Name Description
mas-smtp smtp_accepted Number of messages received via the SMTP channel and forwarded for filing.
mas-smtp smtp_denied Number of messages rejected by the SMTP channel. Possible reasons include unauthorized senders or receivers or failed authentication.
mas-smtp smtp_message_warnings Number of messages for which a recoverable error occurred. The reason for these is the occurrence of a recoverable error while saving, which is reported in the synchronous communication with the 'mas-storage' service.
mas-smtp smtp_message_errors

Number of messages for which a recoverable error did not occur. This can occur if the message that was processed is not suitable for the configured message mode.

The additional reason is the occurrence of an unrecoverable error while saving, which is reported in the synchronous communication with the 'mas-storage' service.

mas-mailbox mailbox_messages_processed Number of successfully processed mailbox messages in journal or mailbox mode.
mas-mailbox mailbox_messages_processing_warnings Number of mailbox messages for which a recoverable error occurred during post-processing.
mas-mailbox mailbox_messages_processing_errors Number of mailbox messages for which an unrecoverable error occurred during post-processing in journal or mailbox mode.
mas-mailbox journaling_messages_unprocessed Number of unread messages in all mailboxes configured for journaling.
mas-storage storage_messages_processed Number of messages successfully saved in enaio®.
mas-storage storage_message_processing_errors Number of messages that were not saved due to an unrecoverable error.
mas-storage storage_message_processing_warnings Number of messages that were not saved due to a recoverable error.
mas-storage storage_messages_postProcessed Number of messages to create reference documents.
mas-storage enaio_store_time Average time for saving a single message in enaio®.
mas-storage enaio_link_time

Average time for creating a reference document.

Creating a reference document includes the duplicate check.

mas-storage enaio_duplicate_check_time Average time for the duplicate check.


Prometheus is an optional component that can be installed and integrated to monitor enaio® mail-archive-service.

Prometheus offers interfaces to detailed monitoring tools such as Grafana and can usually also be integrated into existing monitoring systems.

You can find the installation data and instructions here.

As an example, the configuration file for Prometheus can be created using the following data:

# meine globale Konfiguration
  scrape_interval: 15s # Legen Sie das Scrape-Intervall auf 15 Sekunden fest. Der Standardwert ist ein Mal pro Minute.
  evaluation_interval: 15s # Evaluieren Sie Regeln alle 15 Sekunden. Der Standardwert ist ein Mal pro Minute.
  # scrape_timeout ist auf den globalen Standardwert (10s) eingestellt.

# Konfiguration des Alertmanagers
    - static_configs:
        - targets:
          # - alertmanager:9093

# Laden Sie die Regeln einmal und werten Sie sie in regelmäßigen Abständen gemäß dem globalen 'evaluation_interval' aus.
  # - "first_rules.yml"
  # - "second_rules.yml"

# Eine Scrape-Konfiguration, die genau einen zu scrapenden Endpunkt enthält:
# Hier ist es Prometheus selbst.

  - job_name: "masstorage"
    scrape_interval: 15s
    metrics_path: '/manage/prometheus'
      - targets: ["localhost:8130"]   
  - job_name: "massmtp"
    scrape_interval: 15s
    metrics_path: '/manage/prometheus'
      - targets: ["localhost:8120"]

  - job_name: "masmailbox"
    scrape_interval: 15s
    metrics_path: '/manage/prometheus'
      - targets: ["localhost:8110"]

Scrape and evaluation intervals are specified here as 15 seconds each.

We offer a template for download.

Prometheus as a Service

  • Ensure that Prometheus can be run with the specified configuration by executing prometheus.exe and calling up localhost:9090 from a browser.

    If the Prometheus port is already in use, change the port as follows:

    • Run the following command:

      <Path to prometheus.exe> --web.listen-address=:9010

    • To install the Windows service with this argument, run the following command:

      nssm.exe install Prometheus "<Path to prometheus.exe>" "--web.listen-address=:9010"

  • Install the latest version of NSSM Tools.

  • Open the command prompt from the extracted nssm.exe folder and add the service using the following command:

    nssm.exe install Prometheus <Path to prometheus.exe>

Prometheus will then be available as a Windows service.