License System Configuration

enaio® 11.0 »

License keys which you have purchased are administered in enaio® enterprise-manager. enaio® enterprise-manager osecm_entmgr.msc is a snap-in for the Microsoft Management Console.

The number and the type of licenses can be found in the license certificate or the aslic.dat file. The file can be viewed using enaio® enterprise-manager.

Seat license keys are assigned to specific workstations. Floating license keys do not need to be assigned to a specific workstation.

The enaio® server license is only available as a seat license key with a fixed GUID or TCP/IP address. If a server's address changes, you will need a new license file. If you purchase additional licenses, you also receive a new license file with the corresponding license keys.

When installing enaio®, you can also transfer license files automatically to the database. New license files are imported into the database using enaio® enterprise-manager. Licenses are only available after they have been imported.

enaio® enterprise-manager allows you to monitor which license keys are assigned to which workstation by enaio® server.

Layer administration is licensed in the 'ADI' module. You will need to license this module on every workstation on which you want to use it.