mas-mailbox: journaling: mailboxes: #set of backup mailboxes with details about folder to read from and expected type of messages in read folder #- mailbox: #mailbox address which represents backup mailboxes # read-folder: Inbox #folder name from which backup mails should be pulled # message-mode: ALTERNATE #mailbox set as alternate mailbox (ALTERNATE), journaling mailbox (JOURNAL) or ordinary mailbox (NORMAL) #- mailbox: # read-folder: Posteingang # error-folder: Errors # message-mode: NORMAL archiving: mailboxes: #user mailboxes for archiving, sample of multiple entries: #- #- groups: #group names for archiving, comma separated whitelist: #Inbox,Sent #comma separated values of mailbox folders that should be archived blacklist: #CustomFolder,MyFolder #comma separated values of mailbox folders that should be omitted from archiving categories: archived: Archived #category for marking mails that are archived error: Error #category for marking mails that are not processed sucessfully health-cache-duration: 6 #hourly time interval on which health check resolves mailboxes from active directory