Setup for Barcode Scenario

enaio® repository-manager 11.0 »

The barcode scenario is set up using the following steps:

  • Create bridge connection

  • Create configuration

  • Edit configuration

  • Assign configuration

  • Enable barcode

  • Define barcode timer

  • Enable SAPMimeExtensionLookup

  • Specify the 'cntType2docType' parameter

It is configured using the KGS administration page.

The barcode scenario requires installation of the Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013.

Creating a Bridge Connection

Create a bridge connection via Main > KGS SAP Connector > Bridge Status > Generate Bridge.

Creating a Configuration

Create a connection via Main > KGS SAP Connector > Add config.

Editing a Configuration

Edit the connection via Main > KGS SAP Connector > Edit.

The following entries need to be made: Description, SAP AS Host, SAP System Number, SAP Client, SAP User, SAP User Password, SAP Language

Assigning a Configuration

Repository level or global level: Assign configuration via Main > ContentServer4ArchiveLink > Edit > RFC > RFC Connection Name

The barcode configuration you create will be assigned.

Repository level:

Global level:

Enabling Barcode

Enable barcode via Main > ContentServer4ArchiveLink > Edit Configuration > Barcode > Enable barcode.

Defining the Barcode Timer

Define the barcode timer via Main > ContentServer4ArchiveLink > Edit Configuration > Index Export > BarcodeTimer. Recommended: 60 (seconds)

Enabling SAPMimeExtensionLookup

SAPMimeExtensionLookup needs to be enabled for correctly assigning file formats to document types.

Enable SAPMimeExtensionLookup via Main > ContentServer4ArchiveLink > Edit Configuration > Common > SAPMimeExtensionLookup

The pre-configured directories must not be changed.

Specifying the 'cntType2docType' Parameter

The 'cntType2docType' parameter is specified in the \config directory via the enaio® service-managerrepositorymanager-prod.yml configuration file. The mapping of the enaio® content type needs to be specified for an SAP® document type.

Together with the 'default-docType' parameter, an SAP® document type needs to be specified if no mapping for an enaio® content type has been specified in the 'cntType2docType' parameter.