Changing Project Names and Descriptions

enaio® coLab 10.10 »

The project name of a project room is shown on the Overview of the Project Rooms and in the coLab header when you have opened a project. The project description of a project room is only shown on the project overview page.

enaio® coLab can be configured to hide project descriptions on the project overview page. You can view the project description in full by clicking the Show more button.

Project room owners and project members with a corresponding user-defined role can change project names and project descriptions in the settings view.

To change the project name and description, follow these steps

  1. In enaio® coLab, open the project room whose project name or description you want to change by clicking the project name link in the tile of the relevant project on the project overview page.

    The home screen of the relevant project appears.

  2. Open the settings view by clicking the Settings icon Settings icon in the header.

    The settings view appears.

  3. Change the project name or description in the General settings area.

    You can enter either up to 255 or 1,000 characters including spaces in the Project name and Description fields. The number above the input field indicates the number of characters you have already entered.

  4. Click the Apply button.

The changes are adopted and shown on the project overview page or in the coLab header.