Object Types in enaio® coLab

enaio® coLab 10.10 »

The files and folders in enaio® coLab are based on different object types in enaio®. Files, folders, registers, etc., which, due to their object type definition, can have a wide variety of properties that a normal file system cannot offer, are called object types in enaio®. That is why files may behave differently in enaio® coLab. The specifics of some of these files based on different object types in enaio® that can be mapped in enaio® coLab project rooms are documented here.

Documents in enaio® have content files as well as index data forms that differ from document type to document type. In addition, a document in enaio® can be filed in several places in the enaio® filing system, whereas the content files of the documents still exist only once physically in the enaio® filing system. This is achieved through various types of linking. In enaio® we differentiate in this context between reference documents and documents with multiple locations. The effect of these differences when used in enaio® coLab is described below:

Documents in enaio® usually consist of a document file and an index data form. However, documents in enaio® can contain several or no content files at all. Note the following when using these document types in enaio® coLab:

* You will not see the Rename file icon 'Rename file' and Replace file icon 'Replace file' icons if you do not have the rights to rename or replace document files.