Splitting and Importing

enaio® capture 10.10 »

Subprograms for splitting and import always run automatically. The program flow does not require user action.

Start a batch which is assigned to a recognition subprogram by double-clicking the batch icon, by selecting Edit from the context menu, or by clicking Edit - icon Edit in the menu ribbon. The subprogram will be started, and the batch will then be placed in the filing tray.

In the configuration AXVALID can be specified as the error handling program. If errors occur during the splitting or import process, the batch will be transferred to AXVALID (see 'Validation').

Subprograms for splitting and import fulfill the following tasks:


Pages are split into documents, and documents are imported into enaio®.


Pages are split into documents, and documents are imported into enaio®. Additionally, e-mail messages containing information on the imported data are created and sent.


Pages are split into documents, they are not imported but sent as e-mail message attachments.


Pages are split into documents and all data is written to a dBASE table. The dBASE table can be edited. Documents can later be imported to enaio® administrator with enaio®.