System 3 – Requirements
Remote work, 90 percent via enaio® webclient. Total of approx. 1,000 users. Small number of power users (~30) via enaio® webclient; these are central
System stability, complete Webclient functionality is essential, full text and previews are not essential.
Long-term archiving available
Inventory: approx. 10 million objects in the system, primarily read-only/PDF /TIFF, tiny number of searchable objects.
Central Capture installation, ~600 pages/day
In addition: via REST interface from a portal ~1,200 pages/day
Resulting workflows: ~300 processes per day
Complex rights system, approx. 50 object types, but many clauses due to tenant separation and large number of departments.
Response times for web users are the primary focus. The focus is on speed and stability.