Update: 32-bit to 64-bit Server
It is necessary to upgrade to a 64-bit server before updating toversion 10.0 because the 32-bit server for enaio® 10.0 has been discontinued.
To upgrade a 32-bit server to a 64-bit server, the following steps are required.
Please note the information on database settings in the system requirements.
The 64-bit server is installed in a separate directory on the computer of the 32-bit server.
- Upgrade to enaio® 9.10 or enaio® 9.0 SP1 with all components, including 32-bit server.
This will also modify the database.
This step is also necessary if the 64-bit server is to be installed on another computer.
- Set up an additional 64-bit system DSN with the same name on the server machine using the 64-bit version of ODBCad32.exe in the C:\WINDOWS\System32 directory.
- Create an empty database for the 64-bit system DSN. Empty system tables will be created there. This database will later be replaced with the existing enaio® database.
- Stop or deactivate the 32-bit server.
- Install the 64-bit server on the server computer in a separate directory via the setup located in the OSECM_SERVER_X64 directory:
Enter the same data for the service name, port, service account, and server group (if applicable) that was entered for the 32-bit server.
Specify the existing license file of the 32-bit installation for the license file.
The service requires an administrator account.
The 64-bit server installation must point to an empty data directory at this time.
This completes the installation. Current patches may not be applied at this time.
To run tests, you can modify the service controller (see below), start the service, and connect via enaio® editor or enaio® administrator using the default user account. The 64-bit server is connected to the empty database and uses an empty data directory. There are no users and no object types.
Finally, exit the service again.
Transferring the Existing Server Settings
The server settings of the 32-bit server are transferred to the 64-bit server via registry entries.
- Export the 32-bit server settings from the registry of the server computer to a registry file:
- Change the path in the registry file using an editor:
- Import the registry file.
32-bit server:
64-bit server:
- Connect the 64-bit system DSN with the existing enaio® database.
Delete Wow6432Node from the path and save the registry file.
The registry of the server computer will then contain the following keys with the same data:
Transferring the registry and connecting it to the existing database ensures that the previous data directory and configuration files such as the as.cfg in the etc directory are used.
Patch Installation
Updating the 64-bit server installation with the latest hotfixes should be performed after the database has been transferred and the registry has been modified.
To update, use enaio-server-x64-patch-9.10.exe in the enaio-9.10\\Server-X64\Patch\ directory of the installation data.
Service Controller
The server service is still connected to the 32-bit server in the service controller and must be switched to the 64-bit server.
Open the command line and run the following call:
sc config SERVICE NAME binPath= "{INSTALLDIR64}\axsvckrn.exe -n SERVICE NAME"
Check the startup type for the service and start the service.
If update problems occur, you can switch back from the 64-bit server to the 32-bit server at any time:
sc config SERVICE NAME binPath= "{INSTALLDIR32}\axsvckrn.exe -n SERVICE NAME"
Before uninstalling the 32-bit server, check its directories: By default, the work and cache areas, the etc directory, and any other optional data are located there. This data must not be deleted and may need to be moved before uninstalling.
Scripting with 64-bit Servers
The 64-bit server comes with a 64-bit VBScript engine. You do not need to modify anything if you use only 64-bit COM modules in a 64-bit server script.
The server installation contains the following default COM modules that are commonly used for server scripts as 64-bit components:
oxsvrspt, oxsvrcom, oxsvccmn, oxmljsc
If you are using COM modules other than the default ones described above, that is, project-specific COM modules that are only in 32-bit, then you need to check the functionality and make sure that 32-bit COM modules can be applied in the script.
You can do so via the registry settings by registering the relevant 32-bit COM interfaces so they can also be addressed from 64-bit applications via a Windows-internal 32-bit/64-bit wrapper.
This applies to the DMS as well as to the workflow system and other subsystems.
If you want to use the ad-hoc workflow osdefaultmodels.xml, which is delivered with enaio® as an example, you need to follow the above listed instructions for 64-bit COM in order to register the library oxvbbas.dll. This library is used in the workflow in server-side scripts. If there is no enaio® client installed on the server computer, then this library is also located in the server installation directory in the win32 directory. In this case, the 32-bit DLL also need to be registered before the 64-bit registration can take place.